help needed with shell script (file/folder copy/rename/deletion)/Linux drive naming

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Could someone put me onto resources/provide an example for how to write a Linux shell script that copies a folder (ie. DCIM) from one USB drive drive to another, then checks and renames appropriately on the second drive (if 'DCIM1' exists, rename 'DCIM' to 'DCIM2'), then erases the contents of the DCIM folder on the original drive? With progress meter would be nice also.

Also, is there a way to assign a particular USB drive as 'sdb5' permanently?

Thanks in advance.

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so you can mount drves by using th UUID of the drive

learn about that here


so if you have the drives mount to the same place all the time this is nice and easy

to copy the files

rsync -av --progress --ignore-existing /home/placewherefilesare/* /home/placetocopyto/

so --progress gives you a progress of whats happening

--ignore-existing means it does an incremental backup so will ignroe files already existing that hae not changed

once you are done to delete the old folder

rm -rf /home/placewherefilesare


does this point you in the right direction?

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