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Bootstrap query


I run Windows 10 and am interested in playing around with Bootstrap but I don't want to have to go around setting up Linux VM's unless there is a Bootstrap GUI that will do it all for me. Life is too short to have to learn about it all - again!

Are there any websites that offer a front end service for Bootstrap?

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I run Windows 10 and am interested in playing around with Bootstrap but I don't want to have to go around setting up Linux VM's unless there is a Bootstrap GUI that will do it all for me. Life is too short to have to learn about it all - again!

Are there any websites that offer a front end service for Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a CSS/JS framework. You don't need to setup any servers to build a page that uses it, just create an HTML file on your computer, link the Bootstrap files (either using a CDN or a downloaded copy of the Bootstrap) and start building your page (http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/).

If you want to setup a local server for testing, you can use a package like WAMP, which includes Apache, MySQL and PHP servers, but it's not necessary. 

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Okay, I've found a few websites that do what I am looking for: layoutit, jetstrap and bootply.

For some reason I thought bootstrap was a complete website builder, it turns out it's not :(


Nope, it just provides the core styling to build a website. Generally, you're meant to modify and override the preset styles it gives you, as it is essentially just the foundations.

It isn't too difficult though - you can always consult their documentation and copy/paste the snippets you want, you'll pick-up the HTML syntax pretty quickly that way, too.

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