Upgrading PS4 HardDrive

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Hey Neowinians!

I was recently asked by my sister if upgrading a HDD in a PS4 was possible, I wasn't sure because I've never done a mod like this, or had the desire too. I haven't done a lot of Googling but the few sites I found wanted me to register before viewing posts or tutorials. I don't have time for that, so here I am, yet again, asking to sap some of your intelligence.

My question is: Is it possible to upgrade it? What do I need to do? Is there any special tools I need?

I'm being harassed by her boyfriend, my niece and by her about this. I could say no, but then she'd try and do it herself, then get angry at me because I didn't help her.

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I find it hard to understand how someone who has a signature which details their intentions of building their own system, and one that looks particularly powerful at that, struggles to find a video on replacing a PS4 hard drive. 


Before I could even finish typing the query YouTube offered me the result. The first video in the list demonstrates the procedure very competently:

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Upgrade PS4 HDD

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Thank you.

I find it hard to understand how someone who has a signature which details their intentions of building their own system, and one that looks particularly powerful at that, struggles to find a video on replacing a PS4 hard drive. 


Before I could even finish typing the query YouTube offered me the result. The first video in the list demonstrates the procedure very competently:

I work anywhere from 36 to 80 hours a week, I attend a University full time, and I barely have enough time to go shopping for groceries. Sorry I couldn't devote more than 30 seconds to something that doesn't mean diddly **** to me. It's not for me, had it been, I wouldn't have bothered posting on here. Why? So I would avoid a sarcastic person like you.

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Thank you.

I work anywhere from 36 to 80 hours a week, I attend a University full time, and I barely have enough time to go shopping for groceries. Sorry I couldn't devote more than 30 seconds to something that doesn't mean diddly **** to me. It's not for me, had it been, I wouldn't have bothered posting on here. Why? So I would avoid a sarcastic person like you.

You took the 30 seconds to create the topic, along with the time to reply to his post?

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I work anywhere from 36 to 80 hours a week, I attend a University full time, and I barely have enough time to go shopping for groceries. Sorry I couldn't devote more than 30 seconds to something that doesn't mean diddly **** to me. It's not for me, had it been, I wouldn't have bothered posting on here. Why? So I would avoid a sarcastic person like you.


You've now invested probably 100 times the time and effort it took me to find the video I did. Additionally, my post wasn't sarcastic; it was confusion. I'm still confused.

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Make sure you download the *full* PS4 Update and not the incremental PS4 Update.
It's needed for an hard drive replacement / upgrade.

You have to have the update on a usb / burned to cd/dvd.
Pay close attention to the folder structure / upper case of the names.

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BinaryData is not on trial, guys. Please just stick to the topic.


lol my thoughts as well, just help the guy out. Personally while I'm very knowledgeable with tech quite often I still like to double check a YT video before I do anything. While the PS4 hard drive is easy to change sometimes you just want peace of mind of watching someone else do it first.

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lol my thoughts as well, just help the guy out. Personally while I'm very knowledgeable with tech quite often I still like to double check a YT video before I do anything. While the PS4 hard drive is easy to change sometimes you just want peace of mind of watching someone else do it first.

Which he could of sourced himself. You might double check, but you don't come here and basically ask "how do I Google something?"

Perhaps we should make a pinned topic about upgrading the HDD in the consoles.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/16/2015, 4:41:08, Andrew said:

BinaryData is not on trial, guys. Please just stick to the topic.

I like being on trial. I get viewers that way ;)


On 10/16/2015, 5:26:03, Audioboxer said:


lol my thoughts as well, just help the guy out. Personally while I'm very knowledgeable with tech quite often I still like to double check a YT video before I do anything. While the PS4 hard drive is easy to change sometimes you just want peace of mind of watching someone else do it first.

This was my thoughts on it. I'm quite knowledgeable when it comes to Computers/Laptops, but I don't mess with Tablets, Cellphones or Consoles on a regular basis. I've never pulled apart or dreamed about upgrading hardware on a console. I've followed several different YouTube videos for repairing an iPhone 5, and none of them covered a specific step and I ended up ripping the digitizer. You live and learn. I haven't done the HDD Swap because the person wants me to fork the $$ out first. Yeah, nope.

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I imagine it's just like the PS3. Stick a new one in, and let the console format it. Back saves and stuff up to the cloud from the old drive first, makes transferring much easier.

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28 minutes ago, Tidosho said:

I imagine it's just like the PS3. Stick a new one in, and let the console format it. Back saves and stuff up to the cloud from the old drive first, makes transferring much easier.

Hmm... I've never used a PS3 or PS4, which is why I posted here originally. But I'll perform the swap this weekend.

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