Militant Neo-Nazi Group Claims Credit for Hanging Hitler Portrait, Swastikas on Campus Building

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A neo-Nazi group claimed credit yesterday for putting up a poster featuring a picture of Adolf Hitler, swastikas, and the slogan “No Degeneracy, No Tolerance, Hail Victory” on the University of Chicago campus.


The poster included an image of Hitler in front of a field of swastikas over the phrase “#Hitler Disapproves.” The name and symbol of the neo-Nazi group The Atomwaffen Division were listed at the bottom of the poster. A Twitter post on Sunday evening by an account under that name read, “University of Chicago got stickercausted tonight by Chicago's local Nazis.” The poster was placed on the glass walls that line the pedestrian pathway through Levi Hall.


A University spokesperson said that the University removed “disturbing material” matching the description of the poster from two locations this morning. The University is investigating the incidents in conjunction with the University of Chicago Police Department, the spokesperson said, and encourages anybody with information about the posters to reach out.


The Atomwaffen Division is a small group of neo-Nazis that has taken responsibility for similar posters at other universities. The group announced its creation on the neo-Nazi forum Iron March. A post on the forum last October claimed that the group had more than 40 members, including some in Chicago.


In those initial posts, the group described itself as a “very fanatical, ideological band of comrades who do both activism and militant training. Hand to hand, arms training, and various other forms of training. As for activism, we spread awareness in the real world through unconventional means.”


The University’s press office did not address requests for comment regarding whether there is a known suspect and whether the perpetrator would face charges.


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On 8.12.2016 at 1:51 PM, TPreston said:

The Atomwaffen Division is a small group of neo-Nazis that has taken responsibility for similar posters at other universities. The group announced its creation on the neo-Nazi forum Iron March. A post on the forum last October claimed that the group had more than 40 members, including some in Chicago.


In those initial posts, the group described itself as a “very fanatical, ideological band of comrades who do both activism and militant training. Hand to hand, arms training, and various other forms of training. As for activism, we spread awareness in the real world through unconventional means.”

Why does this group strike me as some sort of Soros funded mix between BLM / fascist hipsters with a tad of moderate rebels?


Has any background work been done on them yet?

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5 minutes ago, FunkyMike said:

Why does this group strike me as some sort of Soros funded mix between BLM / fascist hipsters with a tad of moderate rebels?

Other things Soros is responsible for:

  • AIDS
  • The Star Wars prequels being rubbish
  • 9/11
  • Benghazi
  • Obesity


But seriously, is there anything he hasn't been blamed for by conservatives / fascists / the alt right? As usual the right would rather create a boogeyman to distract from the truth. The reality is simple: there are fascists who want nothing more than to see society crumble and to see an authoritarian leader take charge. It's not a false-flag conspiracy; it's not the media conspiring to misrepresent them. Are they a majority? Absolutely not. Are they a concern? Absolutely.

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Funny how free speech advocates are not defending this. As distasteful as it may be, Nazi imagery should not be illegal. If people are allowed to display the ISIS flag, then they should be allowed to display the swastika. It makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them anyway.

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2 minutes ago, troysavary said:

Funny how free speech advocates are not defending this. As distasteful as it may be, Nazi imagery should not be illegal. If people are allowed to display the ISIS flag, then they should be allowed to display the swastika. It makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them anyway.

Because plastering these without permission is no more free speech than spray-painting it on the wall. Duh

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20 hours ago, theyarecomingforyou said:

Other things Soros is responsible for:

  • AIDS
  • The Star Wars prequels being rubbish
  • 9/11
  • Benghazi
  • Obesity


But seriously, is there anything he hasn't been blamed for by conservatives / fascists / the alt right? As usual the right would rather create a boogeyman to distract from the truth. The reality is simple: there are fascists who want nothing more than to see society crumble and to see an authoritarian leader take charge. It's not a false-flag conspiracy; it's not the media conspiring to misrepresent them. Are they a majority? Absolutely not. Are they a concern? Absolutely.

So I take it that no research has been undertaken to find out who this group is and neither does it make you curious since the confines of your warped view allocate people who practise .. Thinking for a lack of a better word with a minority group. 


Its is quite funny that you mention booeymen but show no real sign of critical thought since the first thing they teach at british universities is critical research. 


Regardless since your are so well versed with labels / groups.. Which one would you say I belong to?

Edited by Andrew
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39 minutes ago, troysavary said:

Funny how free speech advocates are not defending this. As distasteful as it may be, Nazi imagery should not be illegal. If people are allowed to display the ISIS flag, then they should be allowed to display the swastika. It makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them anyway.

Certain instances of deplorable acts on massive scales deserve to be exempt from free speech.

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I call ######.. Another lefty up to no good again with the lies and misdirection I'm sure..


It's interesting that they seem to be doing it at universities all over the country.


A phantom group no less..

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On 12/8/2016 at 8:47 AM, Jason S. said:

so.... what's the point of this portrait?


The racists are just getting uppity because Trump is about to be in office.



1 hour ago, troysavary said:

Funny how free speech advocates are not defending this. As distasteful as it may be, Nazi imagery should not be illegal. If people are allowed to display the ISIS flag, then they should be allowed to display the swastika. It makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them anyway.


It's NOT a free speech issue! They want to post the ###### on their house, car, or tattoo it on their penis they are free to do that but you can't on property that is NOT yours. #facepalm Our democracy is doomed when the education level is so low people can't understand simple concepts like this.

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1 hour ago, troysavary said:

Funny how free speech advocates are not defending this. As distasteful as it may be, Nazi imagery should not be illegal. If people are allowed to display the ISIS flag, then they should be allowed to display the swastika. It makes it easier for the rest of us to shun them anyway.

And if they incite a riot, or have hate speech (Which IMO this is definitely associated with hate speech, intolerance, general non-good stuff) they are not protected. You can thank if not in whole, in part, thank the KKK for that. Their actions made any speech deemed hateful, leading to civil disobedience, or riots, pitchforks, essentially mobs, is very illegal and very unprotected.

With each day that goes by, I realize moderate political views, sanity, people doing good and morality dies a little bit because of PC/Political Extremism (Not acting out, just extreme left or extreme right views), insanity, and immorality. I'm not saying people need to believe as Christians, Jews, Budists, Hindu's, Muslims, (Non extremeists) etc. believe, but immorality such as lying, hurting or maiming others, murder, rape, theft are only becoming more and more common.


Whole world's going stinkin' nuts!!!

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It's interesting that they closed commenting on the story the op posted after 3 comments.. It's also interesting that it is linked to a suspended account on twit under the name mike smith. I wonder how long it took them to come up with that name? Mike, one of the most used names out there and the last name Smith.. Nice job of picking one of the most common names in America. So, who is it really??



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22 minutes ago, JoseyWales said:

I call ######.. Another lefty up to no good again with the lies and misdirection I'm sure..


It's interesting that they seem to be doing it at universities all over the country.


A phantom group no less..


Yes, assume first it's left leaning individuals or groups doing it because racists and Nazis don't exist within 100 miles of any university.


2 minutes ago, JoseyWales said:

It's interesting that they closed commenting on the story the op posted after 3 comments..


The only thing that is interesting is they allowed comments on that article in the first place. Who has time to delete the hundreds of racists comments you know are incoming?


What are you an outlaw of anyway? Critical thinking?

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1 minute ago, oldtimefighter said:

Yes, assume first it's left leaning individuals or groups doing it because racists and Nazis don't exist within 100 miles of any university.

The interesting aspect would be that they are coordinated and organised if it is to be believed that this is happening across universities all across the country. Are fascist hipsters ever this organised?


The last things that spread across universities like this were BLM and SJW Soros funded groups. Anyone can look this up as it is directly confirmed by the Soros leaks under the section of financing political extreme correctness advocacy groups across all major universities.

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13 minutes ago, FunkyMike said:

Are fascist hipsters ever this organised?

Fascist hipsters?

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1 hour ago, FunkyMike said:

So I take it that no research has been undertaken to find out who this group is and neither does it make you curious since the confines of your warped view allocate people who practise .. Thinking for a lack of a better word with a minority group. 

You were the one who insinuated a connection to Soros without any evidence. I don't dismiss any possibility outright, I just expect evidence to support it.


1 hour ago, FunkyMike said:

Its is quite funny that you mention booeymen but show no real sign of critical thought since the first thing they teach at british universities is critical research. 

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. If you believe that Soros might be implicated then you should provide evidence to support such a position. Unfortunately your sort of thinking is exactly how we end up with religion, where people believe something without any supporting evidence and despite evidence to the contrary.

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19 hours ago, FunkyMike said:

So I take it that no research has been undertaken to find out who this group is and neither does it make you curious since the confines of your warped view allocate people who practise .. Thinking for a lack of a better word with a minority group. 


Its is quite funny that you mention booeymen but show no real sign of critical thought since the first thing they teach at british universities is critical research. 


Regardless since your are so well versed with labels / groups.. Which one would you say I belong to?

Come on FunkyMike, you're reaction is like the pot has never met the kettle.  Time and again you posts link to one source (and at times a questionable one), Zerohedge.  Not much research involved there.  And it's true, Soros, has become a favorite target, with a frequency that defies reality, and at times without corroborating evidence.


The Atomwaffen Division website/forum -   and



As far as to which label/group you belong to, well you and I have talked about that before.  You're a propagandist, working for Vladimir Putin and he pays you in rubles.  ;)

Edited by Andrew
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1 hour ago, oldtimefighter said:


Yes, assume first it's left leaning individuals or groups doing it because racists and Nazis don't exist within 100 miles of any university.



The only thing that is interesting is they allowed comments on that article in the first place. Who has time to delete the hundreds of racists comments you know are incoming?


What are you an outlaw of anyway? Critical thinking?

The point is, for the slow ones, is that 99% of the incidents of spray-painting and hanging this crap has been debunked and the perpetrators turned out to be an operative of the left. While I abhor the KKK and ilk like them, I really don't think this legit.. Not because of the other stuff so much as there is no verification and no one has been held accountable from that group nor have they Identified anyone but one person that I could find involved with that "group". I doubt very highly that he has been on a crusade to paper all the colleges in America.


It's right up there with the Trump is the next Hitler ######. Funny, as the ones trying to spread the narrative are doing EXACTLY what the nazi party did to put hitler in power back it the 30's. The lefts mantra seems to be "the ends justify the means" no matter the cost or who is snookered into believing such things and the damage that does..

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3 minutes ago, Raze said:

Come on FunkyMike, you're reaction is like the pot has never met the kettle.  Time and again you posts link to one source (and at times a questionable one), Zerohedge.  Not much research involved there. 

And it's true, Soros, has become a favorite target, with a frequency that defies reality, and at times without corroborating evidence.


The Atomwaffen Division website/forum -



As far as to which label/group you belong to, well you and I have talked about that before.  You're a propagandist, working for Vladimir Putin and he pays you in rubles.  ;)

Funnily enough after I mentioned the Putin thing ZH put up a pretty good article which came quite close to how I described the site to you .. which was rather surprising .. maybe I am a Putinist Tyler?! ; )


Zerohedge isn't actually the source but it forms opinions around legit sources .. many times different writers approach it from different angles. It is then left to the commentators to decide if the opinion of the journalist / editor is flawed.


Take a look at the article .. found it to be pretty worthwhile:



The truth is that while we always try to represent, interpret and explain events as they happen objectively and in real time (a challenge which at times is literally painful) we may not get everything right or accurate, but we try.


We try to do as well as we can within the confines of our modest staffing, infrastructure and financial capabilities. Unlike media behemoths and "titans" of industry, many of whom have infinitely more in resources and outside "access", our growth is only possible if you - dear reader - keep coming back. Incidentally, and contrary to various amusing rumors, Zero Hedge does not, and has never had any financial, political, or any other affiliation or relation to an external entity or organization; no we are not funded by the KGB, no we are not on Trump's secret payroll, no we have never raised one dollar of outside funding. From day one, all our revenue has been through advertising, and your kind donations.


Which, simply stated, means that we write what we believe in, even if it is ultimately proven to be dead wrong. And always remember: there is no such thing as "absolute truth."


Which is not to say readers should accept everything, or anything, at face value. Quite the contrary: as we have warned since the very start, our main intention, while informing readers, has been to make them think critically - to present a different side to things, even if it is ultimately dead wrong. For pete's sake, this a blog after all, not some established pillar of the fourth estate with editors, sub-editors, reporters, journalists, crossword puzzle makers, back office, and so forth.



13 minutes ago, Raze said:

And it's true, Soros, has become a favorite target, with a frequency that defies reality, and at times without corroborating evidence.

Soros has always been up to his neck in things but it has started to become more frequent and with more sources. I have been thinking myself if I should just post the direct link to the files. The articles that I post usually do this but people simply do not read so I do not agree with you that there wasn't evidence.


Many times his arrogance actually places him in a situation where he directly confirms his activities via Op Eds in newspapers and interviews. .. What else would you expect from someone that actually fancies himself to be a god.


20 minutes ago, Raze said:

The Atomwaffen Division website/forum -


I did have a brief look but honestly going to wait until names from the key members drop out. That board might quickly get you put on the extremist watchlist ; )


21 minutes ago, Raze said:

As far as to which label/group you belong to, well you and I have talked about that before.  You're a propagandist, working for Vladimir Putin and he pays you in rubles.  ;)

; )

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3 hours ago, SenatorRobb said:

With each day that goes by, I realize moderate political views, sanity, people doing good and morality dies a little bit because of PC/Political Extremism (Not acting out, just extreme left or extreme right views), insanity, and immorality. I'm not saying people need to believe as Christians, Jews, Budists, Hindu's, Muslims, (Non extremeists) etc. believe, but immorality such as lying, hurting or maiming others, murder, rape, theft are only becoming more and more common.


Whole world's going stinkin' nuts!!!



Our laws are no longer based on Judeo-Christian morality, but on Kinsey’s immoral ‘morality’: an adulterous, fornicating, aborting, pornography-addicted, masturbating, impotent, sadistic, masochistic, bisexual, homosexual, exhibitionist, voyeuristic, and child-sexual-abusive world.


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3 hours ago, oldtimefighter said:


The racists are just getting uppity because Trump is about to be in office.




It's NOT a free speech issue! They want to post the ###### on their house, car, or tattoo it on their penis they are free to do that but you can't on property that is NOT yours. #facepalm Our democracy is doomed when the education level is so low people can't understand simple concepts like this.

Are you going to hold the same standards when BLM, MoveOn, the not my president crowd, or some other group like that defaces property?

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4 hours ago, FunkyMike said:

A lighthearted description but the image that these so called Atomwaffen Division uses seems too clean, too simplistic .. as if designed by someone who has no real neo nazi ideology or symbolism in mind. There aren't any hidden signs or numerical / alphabetical references as you would normally expected from neo nazi groups. (at least from neo nazis in mainland europe / germany).  This just reeks of a media campaign and the name of the group seems like some sort of name used in a video game about killing Nazis. It seems fake made to provoke.


We are criticizing them because they are not sound Nazis? LOL Yes, I sure they are just punk kids or jobless adults but the result is the same... Certain groups of people are being threatened on their own campuses. Media campaign? :pinch:



3 hours ago, JoseyWales said:

The point is, for the slow ones, is that 99% of the incidents of spray-painting and hanging this crap has been debunked and the perpetrators turned out to be an operative of the left.


Psst... YOU are the slow one. I sure most of these acts are not being done by official Nazis with business cards and everything. LOL Most of the racist acts like this are also NOT being done by "operatives of the left" so please stop making stuff up and make your way back to the Breitbart website.



1 hour ago, troysavary said:

Are you going to hold the same standards when BLM, MoveOn, the not my president crowd, or some other group like that defaces property?


I do... People even while excising legitimate free speech or civil disobedience do get arrested if they break the law and often even when they are not. This is NOT protected speech so drop it and I would suggest a Constitution 101 class.


Thanks for playing guys.

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