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Hello everybody, I have a question for while loop on C#


Print the decimal, octal, and hexadecimal values of all characters between the start and stop characters entered by a user. For example, if the user enters an a and a z, the program should print all the characters between a and z and their respective numerical values. Make sure that the second character entered by the user occurs later in the alphabet than the first character. If it does not, write a loop that repeatedly asks the user for a valid second character until one is entered. Your output should be formatted as shown below

Letter           Decimal                Octal      Hex

a                              97           141         61

b                             98           142         62

c                              99           143         63

d                             100         144         64

e                             101         145         65


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charletter1, letter2;Console.Write("Enter the first letter: ");letter1 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());do{Console.Write("Enter the second letter: ");letter2 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());} while(Convert.ToInt32(letter1) > Convert.ToInt32(letter2));intcounter;counter = Convert.ToInt32(letter1);do{intoctal=counter , num=0,remainder=0;do{remainder = remainder +octal % 8* (int)Math.Pow(10, num);
octal = octal / 8;num++;} while(octal/8!=0);remainder = remainder + octal % 8 * (int)Math.Pow(10, num);Console.WriteLine("{0}---{1}---{2}---{3:x}", Convert.ToChar(counter), counter,remainder , counter);counter++;} while(counter <= Convert.ToInt32(letter2));


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