event live streaming

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If anyone has ever heard of crufts this is the kind of thing I am thinking about. No the dogs prancing round the rings or stuff like that, the sporty agility stuff where dogs go over jumps, seesaws, weaves etc and the fastest dog wins.


I have spend the last week at a large event but not quite at crufts level but still 10 rings going, couple of thousands of dogs running over 9 days with many qualifiers for higher levels. It got me thinking that one of the organisers live streamed a couple of the runs on facebook on her phone and she got loads of compliments from people who couldn't be there. The quality was from her phone and it was awful. So I am thinking, being as techy as I am, can I offer something better...


This is the kind of thing I am thinking, but I want to set it away with it having the whole ring in shot and leave it. 



So my issues

1-  height, it will be in a field, i have plenty of tripods but I think it needs to be about 10-15 foot high to get a good view

2- camera i have a D7500 DSLR, is this ok for be left on video for about 8-10 hours, or would smaller hand held cameras be better?

3- connection, I have a mobile broadband connection with 100GB of data per month, I'd probably look at 720p, i think 480 would be too low and 1080p to high data usage, does Youtube streaming help with that?


The event has just ended for the year so I have 1 year to figure this out. Any input?

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