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Mass copy of data for several folders.


I need to copy a large number of files that are stored in a single parent location but in their own folders to a single folder on another server (permissions are no issue). We have a CAD drawing register On a Spreadsheet and all the drawing folders are in a single parent location but in their own folders depending upon their design. Example, the parent folder is \\server\groupdata\shared\drawingregister and the files are in a folder, 0001 and the file is 0001.dwg. We are moving this to a cloud solution with a database backend and need to migrate the files to this server.


I have used - for /f %I in (images.txt) do Robocopy “Location” “Destination” %I - before with a list of images being listed in the text file and this works fine if all the images are stored in the same folder, but I cant get it to work in this manner. I have tried to modify the text file so each line has \0001\0001.dwg but nothig is copying. Is it possible to use robocopy like this or will I need to use an application to do this?

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so you are trying to copy a specific file type with robocopy?  


try something like


robocopy source destination *.dwg /E /J /SEC /mt:20 /r:1 /log:%userprofile%\desktop\robocopy.log


This will copy all dwg files 

/e = all subdirectories including empty ones implies /s

/J = unbuffered I/O, best for large files

/SEC = copies all security settings

/mt:20 = mutli threaded copy, 20 files at a time (may have to adjust this, it likes 1 per core best)

/r:1 = 1 retry before failing

/log:%userprofile%\desktop\robocopy.log creating a log file somewhere (this should utilize your desktop folder to store the log file, can change as needed) so that /MT works as fast as it can.



robocopy /? can give you the official meanings for each switch, I put them into my own words.

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After reading it again I may understand your question a bit better...I did a search and found this solution:


@echo off
set source="R:\Contracts"
set destination="R:\Contracts\Sites"

::Not sure if this is needed
::It guarantees you have a canonical path (standard form)
for %%F in (%destination%) do set destination="%%~fF"

for /r %source% %%F in (.) do if "%%~fF" neq %destination% ROBOCOPY "%%F" %destination% *.srt *.pdf *.mp4 *.jpg /COPYALL /R:0


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You could also try using DFS... i use it extensively to keep data replicated between Azure, Colorado, UK, & Massachusetts ... works pretty well, you can also set throttles, so you dont hammer the bandwidth!

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