PC's always show not connected to the internet.

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Hi All.


What is the mechacism that tells Win10 that it is or isnt conencted to the internet? I recently started at a company who has around 60 users and most of the PCs, including the servers indicate that they are not connected to the internet. Every device is connected to the internet and there is no issues with performance or accessing any sites but I noticed that OneDrive doesnt work (doesnt sign in) if the PC shows as not being connected to the internet and as i plan to migrate to 365 early next year, I need this resolved ASAP. I suspect a blocked firewall port but this network is over engineered with unnecessary VLANs for example so could be elsewhere.



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It certainly needs to be able to resolve and reach a DNS address and I think it requires a specific service to be started to work at all
Basically it's looking for a connection to the public internet, if you have  filtering at the gateway or you're running everything via a proxy I guess this could confuse it.

IIRC it requires the NLA service to be started.

VLANs aren't necessarily over complicating things, even on a relatively small number of seats (unless you have something daft like one per PC or something!)

What is the current layout, DHCP done via what? IP Helpers or native in the VLAN, what does DNS, do you have AD?

Has someone been fiddling with things on the adapter setup - disabling IPv6 stacks?

Where does Windows Firewall think the device is - Public, Private or Domain?


Tracert to a FQDN and see the path, and do an NSLookup to see how your DNS servers are responding, try setting a static IPv4 address and DNS on your adapter


Failing that I'd take a laptop and plug it in as close to the gateway as possible see if the issue occurs, if not then work back down the segments and see where the issue occurs.

the fact you say OneDrive is in the mix, but you don't have M365 makes me think you're talking consumer OneDrive - THAT sounds like a potential pig of a setup if so, 60 users all with consumer OneDrive!

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It's an AD environment with DNS and DHCP btoh handled by Server 2016 and working as expected. Nslookup returns correct values for both internal and external addresses and tracert works fine with both internal and external addresses. Double checked NLA and the service is runing.


The VLANs are a little overkill for the network but I understand what they were trying to do. It is one of the things that I want to change in the new year along with removing desktop printers (more printers than people currently!)


Firewall can see it is part of the domain and the adapters are as default with both ipv4 and v6 enabled. I will find some time the work back from the router with my laptop to see if the issue is firewall or internal.


OneDrive is my on own. I have it conencted as I sometimes have some reading to do in my breaks. The others dont have it just yet. I also noticed that I cant activate a server while too shows as being offline as well.

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Used the following the correct a server that was haing issues activating as it was not showing connected to the internet from here.




Also noticed the URLs and I thought it was a ping test that was the trigger, the www.msftconnecttest.com address does ping, so perhaps it is?


Eitherway, the above fixed the issue and the server has activated and I can modify the above registry if it becomes an issue.


Thanks grunger106 for your time.

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On 02/11/2021 at 06:36, StrikedOut said:

Used the following the correct a server that was haing issues activating as it was not showing connected to the internet from here.




Also noticed the URLs and I thought it was a ping test that was the trigger, the www.msftconnecttest.com address does ping, so perhaps it is?


Eitherway, the above fixed the issue and the server has activated and I can modify the above registry if it becomes an issue.


Thanks grunger106 for your time.

On a PC I manage It was already 1. I changed it to 0, rebooted. Changed it back to 1 and rebooted and it fixed it.

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