RGB Lighting..

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I don't know where this goes, so I put it here. Mods, move as you see fit.


I have smart lights in my ceiling fan, and it's all good and groovy. Can make it different colors, etc. The only thing is, my mother doesn't like it. If I can leave it white-colored, but have the top of walls look cool. As in, she won't be directly looking at it. Anyway..


My room is technically a 10' by 10' square (might be off 1/4 a foot) So as long as it is over 40', I should be safe.


I read a lot of guides online and YT, but everyone says ABC is best, while others say XYZ is best. Where do i go from this?


They also talked about light diffusers. (sp?) That make the light look more like a strobe of light rather than seeing each diode.


A lot of different types of everything. Any pointers here?

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Diffusers are absolutely necessary if you don’t want it to look like “Hey I slapped some lights up like a teenager”, they turn it into a more consistent glow, they look more finished.

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