Wireguard Config generator.

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  • Fix: it crashed when clicking on update config.
  • Fix: It was not properly generating the code on the right-hand side.



  • Fixed a crash, that would occur if you left the address box blank and clicked generate.


  • Added Post-Up and Post-Down Rule boxes.
  • It saves the Subnet Prefix Lenth to the JSON file, if no number is specified it defaults to 24


  • Removed the JSON box. That was unnecessary.
  • Moved the Generated Config to the right side of the application
  • Removed the open in new window button, because you can actually see the entire config
  • Added a "Copy Generated config" button to copy it straight to the clipboard.


  • It now handles whatever IP address you give it properly
  • Added DNS
  • Added Keepalive
  • Everything is now in a single APP
  • It also generates QR codes
  • You can also have it open the generated config in a new window


  • When launching the app by double-clicking the .py file and generating a QR code the app may throw a permission error and close. if you open a command prompt and launch the app from there "python (filename).py" .. the QR code generation works just fine.


I had a new itch to scratch, so I used ChatGPT to help me create something. It works wonderfully for me so I thought I'd share it with everyone else.

Because I use Wireguard and because I don't set up different peers very often, when I do it takes me a while because I copy the info out of a previous peer and just fill in the info about the new peer and make sure all the info is correct for the new one.

So I thought I would create an app that helped automate the process and it does. What used to take me 5 mins now takes 10 seconds.

The App is now just 1 app, not 2 separate apps.

When opening the app for the first time I recommend first clicking "Save" and saving the JSON file somewhere. Then Click "Add Name" to give your new location a name. Then fill out all the information. Then once all the info is filled out click "Update info" and then Save. Now you can click "Generate Config". You don't have to save to be able to generate, but if you do change something you do have to click "Update info" first.

For that information, I just mashed the keyboard





Dropbox Download
Contains both precompiled exe's and source code


if you install pyinstaller you can convert this python script to an exe file.

The folder for PYinstall is usually

C:\Users\(your username)\appdata\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python310\Scripts

However, you may have to change your python version in the path.

Then open Powershell and cd to that folder.

then type in the following command

Suppose you want to create an exe file with an icon. Put the png in that same folder and use this command.

.\pyinstaller --onefile -w --icon=(Name of your image).png '(name of your file).py'

If you do not want to use an image then use this command.

.\pyinstaller --onefile -w '(your file name).py'

You'll find the EXE in the dist folder located in the path above.

I will not be providing pre-compiled exe's as I most people wouldn't feel comfortable entering their wire guard information into some random exe file they downloaded online.

To run the .py you do need to pip install 2 things

pip install qrcode[pil]
pip install PyQt5



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