Univ of Colorado Basketball Player David Harrison

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Being in Big XII country, I get to see a lot of games on TV from most Big XII schools. Living in KS I see all Univ of Kansas games and one that I remember is KU vs CU (Colorado) earlier this year. CU has a 7 ft, 270 pound center named David Harrison. From the get-go, CU was trying to get KU's big men in foul trouble and they did a very good job of that. KU then brought in some bench help and starting getting Harrison in foul trouble. As the 2nd half progressed, Harrison fouled out relatively early and the KU fans let him know about it. Harrison was so angry and was yelling at KU fans that were sitting behind the CU bench. A few mins later, it got so bad that CU asst coaches had to remove Harrison from the bench and take him to the locker room for the remainder of the game....it was hilarious.

Another escapade happened last night as Iowa State hosted CU. Harrison got ****ed at the fans and ripped them and former Iowa State coach Larry Eustachy. Here is the article: Harrison Rips ISU Fans

My favorite comment of the article is: Asked if Iowa State fans were the worst, Harrison replied, "You haven't been to Kansas, have you?"


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