What would you do if you got a million pounds?

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Mclaren F1(unfortunatly that would be most of the money)(and i can't drive and will hav no where to go fast... but thats not the point) and i top notch PC

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If i got 1 Million British pounds....(im assuming british pounds)

then i would convert most of it to American dollars(since i live in USA)

buy computers/servers, get a car, get a personal trainer, thin up, get dental surgery, get hairline surgery(i don't like my hairline), get plastic surgery(cut away excess stretch marks left from losing wheight), get family outa debt, go to college, get design degree, do art, learn languages, invest in stocks here and there(including overseas), visit england, france, italy, germany....then ride with the money for as long as possible, and have a job...the rest of the money in savings/checking

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Buy anything my heart desires, such as my own beach house, then I'd save the rest, so I never have to get a job (for money). I can just to whatever I want for fun... :devil:

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A million pounds is alot of weight to lose.

Literally and figuratively speaking.

Stick half in low risk stock, quarter in high risk, spend the other quarter.


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Go on the Atkins diet! oh wait, that says got, not gained.

I'd probably buy a much nicer car than what I'm driving now, buy a house, build a recording studio, and invest the rest.

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1. Get the biggest, fastest desktop Mac around.

2. Get the biggest, fastest PC around.

3. Get an iPod.

4. Buy a house for ?300,000

5. Get a massive plasma screen for the living room.

6. Get a nice car for ?50,000.

7. Invest whatever is left.

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Put it in a high interest bank account and live off the ?10,000 per week interest.:pp

if there was an investment guaranteeing 1% a week or 52% a yr, no one in the world would ever work again

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i got a good 1. yey lol id get,.... wait for it.... wait for it.... a............ caburys factory!!!, i can taste it already

edit: anyone got any ideas for what to buy if they got 1 millon?

Edited by timsweb
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i would buy neowin :yes: and triple the amount of servers it has so get no problems with huge amounts of members

You think you can buy Al (Neobond) out then? :rofl:

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