[NFL] Arrington Claim

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League receives grievance, will schedule hearing

WASHINGTON -- Redskins linebacker LaVar Arrington has filed a non-injury grievance against the team in an attempt to collect a $6.5 million roster bonus he claims he will be owed.

Arrington and his agent, Carl Poston, say the roster bonus for 2006 was agreed to by the team but was not included in the eight-year, $68 million extension that Arrington signed in late December. With the bonus, Arrington's contract would be worth $74.5 million.




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Well.. so what if they don't award this? If it's not in your contract then I don't see how you can collect it lol

"LaVar's contract was reviewed by his agent in draft form numerous times. ... A month later, the agent claimed that something was left out the contract. If anyone owes an explanation to LaVar, it is his agent."
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Got an e-mail last night from one of the news orgs stating that every page was initialed by his agent. Looks like Lavar is going agent head hunting soon. ;) Ouch! :pinch:

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idiot.. take a look at Hasek not accepting money and we have this exact opposite scenario. Looks like Ty Law and Lavar need to go to the NYY to make more money.

OTOH, if it was Jill Arrington asking for the extra money, I say we give it to her. :shifty: :laugh:

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