Kernel 2.6.4 initrd

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Debian does not yet have precompiled 2.6.4 kernels on apt-get and I was having some issues with 2.6.3.

My own self-compiled kernel did not fix my vga=791 problem. I still have to use vga=normal or vga=ask

2.6.3 also had an odd delay when X first started before the pointer would move. I could type with the keyboard but I needed to move the mouse for a few seconds before it would begin to respond. Then one day it didn't begin to respond. I reran the xf86config many times and tried all of the mouse drivers and I couldn't get it back. The 2.4.24 kernel didn't have any delay and now that I have 2.6.4 the delay is back but it does begin to respond after a few seconds of trying.

I managed to get 2.6.4 working with lilo by skipping the initrd stuff. I used the mkinitrd utility and it seemed to create a valid file (we at least the size of the file seemed reasonable) but lilo didn't like it.

Is there a disadvantage in booting directly to the hard disk as opposed to using an initial ramdisk? I am not sure I get the logic. Incidently that is the core question of this post. The rest is just background...

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i'm at the moment running on a 2.6.4-love2 kernel without any issues. the initrd-support has to be compiled into the kernel, but i'm sure you did that. i know of quite some problems in the vanilla-kernel regarding initrd & bootsplash, so your problem could come down to that, in that case i suggest a mm-branch kernel or even the love-sources (get them from gentoo, do a search on their forums), because they have heavy patching against the main kernel branch applied to fix this problems.

initrd is only used for bootsplash & "hardware detection" on boot, AFAIK. i don't use it.

for your vga-problem: could be a issue with the framebuffer-driver. make sure to enable only vesa-vga graphics support and under "console display driver support" enable "video mode selection support" & "framebuffer console support". also be sure to select the right drm-driver for your graphics card (if it is supported by the kernel).

other probs with the 2.6.x-branch are the changes that need to be applied to the basic system tools like modutils etc. i use gentoo which did the magic for me and updated the needed packages to the latest availlable, no clue about debian.

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It shouldn't be a problem with 2.6.x kernels. You probably didn't configure the kernel right. Make sure that you enable the framebuffer in the menuconfig, xconfig, whatever correctly.

I have never had a problem and I have tried most varieties of the 2.6.x kernel.

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