Is this also a scam?

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Those people that come to your house to sell you magazine subscriptions & tell you its for a good cause. Their policy is to take the money there , you cant order later or online. They dont give you a catalog to keep & look at their choices.

Is this a scam?

I hate these salespeople. Isnt that agianst the law?

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Possibly... just tell them to f*ck off... or if u wanna be polite say u have no money or that u have a dangerous addiction to magazine collections and are trying to cut back :p

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answer the door nakid, usually warns off any magazine salesmen/girl scouts/etc

you will probably get arrested if it is a girl scout

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Door-to-door sales aren't outright against the law, depending on where one lives and local policies, but at least from what I've seen, they've markedly died down (or off totally) in the last couple years.

Some legitimate groups (schools, youth organizations) will indeed try selling candy bars or subscriptions door-to-door, though I don't know that their time and energy is generally worth it. Most these days would rather just go park themselves in front of a grocery store to sell, or raise funds otherwise.

Some scammers are indeed out there, too.

You can certainly ask for name, address, whatever of the "good cause" up front if you want, though if you can't stand such things, a small plaque thing on or near your door saying something like "absolutely no solicitors" can solve most stuff. Just point to it and say "sorry" should someone still bother to ring.

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