NHL Awards & Trophies Predictions

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Since the season is comming to an end, aside from the Stanley Cup and the Conn Smyth, which teams & players are your predictions for this seasons award winners?

my predictions are in [brackets]

Clarence S. Campbell Bowl: Western Conference Champion [Detroit]

Prince of Wales Trophy: Eastern Conference Champion [Tampa Bay]

Presidents' Trophy: Best Overall Record [Tampa Bay (i'm going with the underdog here)]

Jack Adams Award: Coach of the Year [John Tortarella: Tampa Bay]

Calder Memorial Trophy: Rookie of the Year [Michael Ryder (no question, he's tied at 1st among rookies for goals and 1st in points)]

King Clancy Memorial Trophy: Leadership and Humanitarian Contribution [uhmmm ???]

Hart Memorial Trophy: NHL Most Valuable Player [Rick Nash? i dunno]

William M. Jennings Trophy: Goalie(s) With the Fewest Goals Scored Against [brodeur]

Lady Byng Memorial Trophy: Player who Displays Gentlemanly Conduct [Definately not Bertuzzi!]

Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy: Qualities of Perseverance and Sportsmanship [sakic? just a guess]

James Norris Memorial Trophy: Top Defenseman in the NHL [Gonchar]

Lester Patrick Trophy: Outstanding Service to Hockey in the United States ???

Lester B. Pearson Award: Most Valuable Player as Selected by the NHLPA

Maurice Richard Trophy: Top Goal Scorer in the NHL [it's going to be a tight race between Nash, Kovalchuck and Iginla]

Art Ross Trophy: Top Point Scorer in the NHL [Martin St. Louis has a pretty strong lock on points with only a few games remaining for sakic and kovalchuck]

Frank J. Selke Trophy: Top Defensive Forward in the NHL

Conn Smythe Trophy: Most Valuable Player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Vezina Trophy: Top Goalie in the NHL [gonna be hard to choose between Kiprusof and Luongo who have played incredibly for not so great teams]

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Vezina Trophy: Top Goalie in the NHL [gonna be hard to choose between Kiprusof and Luongo who have played incredibly for not so great teams]

I may be a little biased, but my vote has to go to Dwayne Roloson of the MN Wild. He was good last year, better in the playoffs last year. And this year he's managed to step it up another notch. Now if only he had some stars to help him out.

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Lady Byng Memorial Trophy: Player who Displays Gentlemanly Conduct [Definately not Bertuzzi!]

A safer bet has never been made.

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James Norris Memorial Trophy: Top Defenseman in the NHL [Gonchar]

How about Adrian Aucoin, or Kenny Jonsson. :rolleyes:

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Clarence S. Campbell Bowl: Western Conference Champion [Detroit] <--- On a roll, I agree

Prince of Wales Trophy: Eastern Conference Champion [Tampa Bay] <--- Unstoppable!

Presidents' Trophy: Best Overall Record [Detroit]

Detroit has 3 games left against Columbus twice and St. Louis, Tampa only has 2 games, and they have 104 pts. to the 105 pts. that Detroit has.

Jack Adams Award: Coach of the Year [John Tortarella: Tampa Bay] <--- Agreed

Calder Memorial Trophy: Rookie of the Year [Michael Ryder (no question, he's tied at 1st among rookies for goals and 1st in points)] <--- Agreed

King Clancy Memorial Trophy: Leadership and Humanitarian Contribution [uhmmm ???]

We'll never have any idea since you can't see what player have actually contributed off ice.

Hart Memorial Trophy: NHL Most Valuable Player [Martin St. Louis]

He went to good, to great, to ridiculously unstoppable!

William M. Jennings Trophy: Goalie(s) With the Fewest Goals Scored Against [brodeur]

Lady Byng Memorial Trophy: Player who Displays Gentlemanly Conduct [No idea]

Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy: Qualities of Perseverance and Sportsmanship [sakic? just a guess]

James Norris Memorial Trophy: Top Defenseman in the NHL [Lidstrom or Blake]

Lester Patrick Trophy: Outstanding Service to Hockey in the United States ???

Lester B. Pearson Award: Most Valuable Player as Selected by the NHLPA

Maurice Richard Trophy: Top Goal Scorer in the NHL [Kovalchuk or Iginla]

Nash plays Detroit twice, enough said, Lidstrom will shut him down.

Art Ross Trophy: Top Point Scorer in the NHL [Martin St. Louis]

Frank J. Selke Trophy: Top Defensive Forward in the NHL [sakic]

Conn Smythe Trophy: Most Valuable Player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Vezina Trophy: Top Goalie in the NHL [Roloson, 2nd in both GAA and Save Percentage]

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Since the season is comming to an end, aside from the Stanley Cup and the Conn Smyth, which teams & players are your predictions for this seasons award winners?

my predictions are in [brackets]

Clarence S. Campbell Bowl: Western Conference Champion [Detroit]

Prince of Wales Trophy: Eastern Conference Champion [Tampa Bay]

Presidents' Trophy: Best Overall Record [Tampa Bay (i'm going with the underdog here)] Nope, it's Detroit

Jack Adams Award: Coach of the Year [John Tortarella: Tampa Bay] OK, but if the Kings had made the playoffs, how could you not give it to Andy Murray

Calder Memorial Trophy: Rookie of the Year [Michael Ryder (no question, he's tied at 1st among rookies for goals and 1st in points)] What about Andrew Raycroft

King Clancy Memorial Trophy: Leadership and Humanitarian Contribution [uhmmm ???]

Hart Memorial Trophy: NHL Most Valuable Player [Rick Nash? i dunno] I think I'll go with Martin St. Louis

William M. Jennings Trophy: Goalie(s) With the Fewest Goals Scored Against [brodeur]

Lady Byng Memorial Trophy: Player who Displays Gentlemanly Conduct [Definately not Bertuzzi!]

Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy: Qualities of Perseverance and Sportsmanship [sakic? just a guess]

James Norris Memorial Trophy: Top Defenseman in the NHL [Gonchar] Probably between Lidstrom and Pronger <Rant> When do we get an award for outstanding defensive defensemen like Scoot Stevens and Adam Foote who make your day really hard.

Lester Patrick Trophy: Outstanding Service to Hockey in the United States ???

Lester B. Pearson Award: Most Valuable Player as Selected by the NHLPA

Maurice Richard Trophy: Top Goal Scorer in the NHL [it's going to be a tight race between Nash, Kovalchuck and Iginla]

Art Ross Trophy: Top Point Scorer in the NHL [Martin St. Louis has a pretty strong lock on points with only a few games remaining for sakic and kovalchuck] And yet no player will produce 100 points this season. It's been a really long time.

Frank J. Selke Trophy: Top Defensive Forward in the NHL Look for a forward with a good plus/minus stat.

Conn Smythe Trophy: Most Valuable Player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs

Vezina Trophy: Top Goalie in the NHL [gonna be hard to choose between Kiprusof and Luongo who have played incredibly for not so great teams] What about Dwayne Roloson. Now, he might have more wins if his team could have scored more for him.

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I'll do the main ones.

Jack Adams: John Tortarella. No questions here.

Rockect Richard: Iginla

Art Ross: St. Louis. No question.

Hart: St. Louis. No question again.

Norris: Aucoin. He's a rock back there and deserves this award. Probably won't get it but deserves it.

Vezina: Kiprusoff. Not Luongo cause they didn't make the playoffs.

Calder: Raycroft. Ryder's been great but the goalie is the most important player on a team and Raycroft's been untouchable.

Selke: St. Louis. I know he doesn't seem defensive but look at the dudes +/-

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Maurice Richard Trophy: Top Goal Scorer in the NHL [it's going to be a tight race between Nash, Kovalchuck and Iginla]

ok so Iginla, Kovalchuck and Nash all have 41goals! what happens now?

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