WWE News: Stone Cold GONE

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After months of negotiations, the WWE and Steve Austin have been unable to come to terms on a new contract and as a result have mutually agreed to part company.

Both parties have left the door open to work together again in the future and the WWE wishes Steve the very best in his future endeavors.

Rumors abound that he's heading to Japan to have a match with Goldberg in July or so.

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Cool, this is about the 4,234,193th time he's left. He'll be back in a month or so. Just in time for that interference in that big match with that big buildup. You know which one I'm talking about ;)

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who friggin cares about the WWE. its just a bunch of big burly guys in things touching eachother. WWE is also the dumbest "sport" ever created, aside from badminton.

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I used to love the WWF between 1990-1995. Ultimate Warrior, Doink the clown, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, stuff like that. Now it's just crap.

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:rolleyes: Who gives a cr_ _ ! Well, I guess a lot of people. :wacko:

Now lets get to important stuff like the NHL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shifty:

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I used to love the WWF between 1990-1995. Ultimate Warrior, Doink the clown, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, stuff like that. Now it's just crap.

Agreed, I remember those days.. *sniff*

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I used to love the WWF between 1990-1995. Ultimate Warrior, Doink the clown, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, stuff like that. Now it's just crap.

Same here *sigh*

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Cool, this is about the 4,234,193th time he's left. He'll be back in a month or so. Just in time for that interference in that big match with that big buildup. You know which one I'm talking about ;)

Actually, this is the first time this has happened. He's never left after not extending his contract, walking out and being let go are two different things completely.

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I used to love the WWF between 1990-1995. Ultimate Warrior, Doink the clown, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, stuff like that. Now it's just crap.

Kane. :devil:

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cuz, uhh... most people dont look at it in a gay way.

its entertainment. just like high school wrestling or olympic wresting.

they touch each other too.

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Agreed, I remember those days.. *sniff*

Yeah. At least they had GOOD actors on steroids then!! I'm not into wrestling at all. The best part is the shouting matches before and after the matches. Just goes to show how little it takes to entertain some people.

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Wrestling has gone way down hill past few years, they've stopped doing good gimmick matches like TLC Triangle Matches and actual good Hell In A Cell, ones that actual give the cell a reason to be there.

Since they got rid/left of the actual good talent like, K-Kwik (Ron 'The Truth' Killings), Jeff Hardy and the great Essa Rios.

They need to get Shane O Mac again to have more of a full time schedule wrestling.

Oh well Stone Cold was injured anyways and probaley wouldn't wrestle much anymore and his Sheriff Austin gimmick... don't even get me started on that :) and its not like the first time he's left, he'll go and realise hes got nothing to do and come back.

Another idiotic thing WWE are doing are not actually using their good wrestlers, RVD, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Ultimo Dragon, Billy Kidman and Jamie Knoble.

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Wrestling has gone way down hill past few years, they've stopped doing good gimmick matches like TLC Triangle Matches and actual good Hell In A Cell, ones that actual give the cell a reason to be there.

Since they got rid/left of the actual good talent like, K-Kwik (Ron 'The Truth' Killings), Jeff Hardy and the great Essa Rios.

They need to get Shane O Mac again to have more of a full time schedule wrestling.

Oh well Stone Cold was injured anyways and probaley wouldn't wrestle much anymore and his Sheriff Austin gimmick... don't even get me started on that :) and its not like the first time he's left, he'll go and realise hes got nothing to do and come back.

Another idiotic thing WWE are doing are not actually using their good wrestlers, RVD, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Ultimo Dragon, Billy Kidman and Jamie Knoble.

I totally agree with you, except for the Jamie Noble part, i dont like him at all ;)

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I used to love the WWF between 1990-1995. Ultimate Warrior, Doink the clown, Lex Luger, the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, stuff like that. Now it's just crap.

Remember when Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan fought after the girl? Rofl, funniest thing ever :D

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As long as people keep in mind that it's ENTERTAINMENT, and not a "pure" sport, ie: the

outcome is not certain before the match begins, then I don't have a problem with it.

But, to those that can't live their lives without professional wrestling, then I say,

GET A LIFE! Good grief, you probably watch so called UNreality shows also ;)


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just needs some time off to do something prolly.

Actually, the "trouble" is that the WWE won't release the name Stone Cold Steve Austin to him (for his own personal use). It is making him twice as mad because they released "The Rock" name to Dwayne ... but they won't give him his.

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I totally agree with you, except for the Jamie Noble part, i dont like him at all ;)

Yeah he may not be the nicest person around but you can deny he is an excellent wrestler both mat skills and high risk moves.

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