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process stopper


hey guys i am wondering if any one can make a program that you can enable on some programs that will stop all uncessecery processes e.g. explorer before opening up a program like 3dsmax 6 so theres more ram and that but after closing the program it restarts all the processes it had stopped

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don't really need a program for this... could use a simple batch file.

download: http://www.sysinternals.com/files/pskill.zip , and extract it somewhere.

then create a filename; say kill.bat

open it with your favorite text editor, and then start adding things you want to kill:

pskill explorer.exe
pskill somethingelse.exe
pskill x.exe

you get the idea :)

then add the same files you want to re-start underneath


afterwards, just execute the batch file like you would any other program, and it should kill all of the tasks you specified.

hope that helps


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thats good but what aboutt idiots plus i ahve tons of prcesses this program was ment to close everything and record it and if possible even close services so you have all the rama nd proccessor of your computer dedictaed to one program

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3dsmax uses quite a bit and we dont have the money ma bro only has 256mb of ram ona 2.1 ghz prossesor so i thought i might see if someone can make this but if so it could change resolutions

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me quite im not in he buisness for buying stuff i just want a program that can do this not more ram not every shutup about buying stuff

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are you using windows xp? If you are, it will automatically re-allocate memory from these 'useless' programs into the foreground application. And as for the cpu issue, just press ctrl-shift-esc (task manager) and set the priority of 3dsmax to 'high', that way nearly all cpu time will be devoted to 3dsmax and every other program will run slowly. Avoid using 'realtime', this means that every application will have to wait until 3dsmax is using 0% cpu.

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ok now this is what i mnet someone not saying buy this buy that justa staright answer anyway thanks moeburn and iCeFuSiOn

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Was working on a process killer to kill all programs but I got bored with it and I couldn't get it working quite right (Stupid listbox items don't have subitems to store the stupid pids :angry: ) .

I can try again if it interests you.

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soz forthe late post but ye if you can that would be cool

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hey i tried again and heres my code but it doesnt work

heres my code

echo do you want to kill the following winstylerthemesvc.exe outpost.exe  approcket.exe wmplayer.exe client.exe
pskill client.exe
pskill wmplayer.exe
pskill approcket.exe
pskill outpost.exe
pskill winstylerthemesvc.exe

but this happens

J:\My Desktop$>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

J:\My Desktop$>echo do you want to kill the following winstylerthemesvc.exe outp
ost.exe  approcket.exe wmplayer.exe client.exe
do you want to kill the following winstylerthemesvc.exe outpost.exe  approcket.e
xe wmplayer.exe client.exe

J:\My Desktop$>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

J:\My Desktop$>pskill client.exe
'pskill' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

J:\My Desktop$>pskill wmplayer.exe
'pskill' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

J:\My Desktop$>pskill approcket.exe
'pskill' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

J:\My Desktop$>pskill outpost.exe
'pskill' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

J:\My Desktop$>pskill winstylerthemesvc.exe
'pskill' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

J:\My Desktop$>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

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'pskill' has to be on your desktop i think

Nah, toss it in windows\system32 so you can use it anywhere on the computer by using it's name. You can put it anywhere that is in the PATH variable, or you can add something to PATH.

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hey i tried again and heres my code but it doesnt work

Put this at the top of your batch file:

@echo off

Also, pskill has to be in one of the folders listed in the PATH variable, or in the same folder as the batch file (Y)

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