NFL Draft Owns the NBA Playoffs

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i know we've had these flame threads in the past, but NHL playoffs make any type of NBA game look like a joke.

you have tim thomas getting fouled hard, do his teamates back him up? nope. nba players are nothig but pussies, yet they try to act hardcore. nhl players don't try to act hardcore, but i guarantee they could kick any nba players ass. nhl players actually land their punches too.

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i know we've had these flame threads in the past, but NHL playoffs make any type of NBA game look like a joke.

you have tim thomas getting fouled hard, do his teamates back him up? nope. nba players are nothig but pussies, yet they try to act hardcore. nhl players don't try to act hardcore, but i guarantee they could kick any nba players ass. nhl players actually land their punches too.


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lmao thats awesome.. i remember when the NBA was cool... about 10 years ago, the "Stay in School" promotions

lol I remember all that, actually when I did watch the NBA...

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Ok, at first I thought this was a reasonable argument...

UNTIL I came to the part in the article that stated which NBA playoff games they were comparing it to. Who cares about the Eastern Conference? Maybe if there were some good Western Conference teams playing at those times, it would be alot different.

Granted the NBA has had a fall off, but in no way is the dragged out NFL draft close to the NBA playoffs. :wacko:

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i know we've had these flame threads in the past, but NHL playoffs make any type of NBA game look like a joke.

you have tim thomas getting fouled hard, do his teamates back him up?  nope.  nba players are nothig but pussies, yet they try to act hardcore.  nhl players don't try to act hardcore, but i guarantee they could kick any nba players ass.  nhl players actually land their punches too.

You're kidding me right? Never heard of discipline and actual penalties??? Flagrant Foul and Technical fouls come to mind (which you DO NOT want to get), let alone th efinancial penalties you will suffer afterwards. Have you even paid attention to most of the fights in the NHL? Most are fake...there to simply make money. The playoffs is different though as the players are edgier. Can't land punches? again look at most of the NHL fights, guys can be going at it for a good 2 minutes and only land one or 2 mediocre punches using their retarded hook shots which yield no power. Every single time I've seen an actual fight in the NBA, guys have walked off bleeding and with black eyes.

This isn't to say however that I don't watch hockey, because I do, but the fights are just a way to draw in the fans and there's not really any major penalties for it.

On topic now...wasn't this supposed to be about the NFL and NBA? not once have I seen a fight in the NFL...

Davemania, I completely agree with your view on this...

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THis has to one of the most childish thread there is

Great. Thanks for the troll.

Getting back on topic, Even though it was Eastern Conference, I still think Western would hav ebeen owned as well.

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So the drama leading up to the NFL draft defines NFL itself (I am assuming that the Manning situation lead to the high TV rating) ? Its sport, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it. Whats the point of belittling another sport ? Thats the point I don't get. Does the low TV rating in a first round playoff game from a small NBA market city make basketball any worse of a game ?

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Sorry BOOG. I think the article is inaccurate. It only talks about the NFL Draft. What about L&O that is usually aired at 7pm every weekday? It beats the NBA hands and pants down :shifty:

Low scoring games coupled with long breaks between games is killing this game. Even NHL is better. Heck, I watched some games between CGY-DET and other teams that i dont remember now.

Got to watch the NBA after the KObe verdict comes out. Then we need to sit and see if the NBA will be popular.

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pshhh! who would watch a NO game? or even a pistons game (i would) no one cares about those teams playing (except for me)

if it makes them feel better, why not

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You're kidding me right? Never heard of discipline and actual penalties??? Flagrant Foul and Technical fouls come to mind (which you DO NOT want to get), let alone th efinancial penalties you will suffer afterwards. Have you even paid attention to most of the fights in the NHL? Most are fake...there to simply make money. The playoffs is different though as the players are edgier. Can't land punches? again look at most of the NHL fights, guys can be going at it for a good 2 minutes and only land one or 2 mediocre punches using their retarded hook shots which yield no power. Every single time I've seen an actual fight in the NBA, guys have walked off bleeding and with black eyes.

This isn't to say however that I don't watch hockey, because I do, but the fights are just a way to draw in the fans and there's not really any major penalties for it.

On topic now...wasn't this supposed to be about the NFL and NBA? not once have I seen a fight in the NFL...

Davemania, I completely agree with your view on this...

you've got to be kidding me...

hockey players care about winning. nba players care about their image and their bling. it's not even close. nba doesn't have heart. no emotion. are there any good series? any nail biter game 7's? hell, they didn't even have game 7 in first rd. till last year. haha, yes, so many injuries from fighting in the nba, thats why nobody in the nba is missing teeth, nobody has scars, nothing like that....c'mon. just compare faces of nba players to nhl players. nhl - scruffy, shaggy hair, missing teeth, scarred faces, metal plates in their bodies holding them together.

name 1 nba star who would slide (possibly face first) into a hockey puck moving close to 100mph, where if it hits you wrong, will break any bone it makes contact with.

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One thing I agree with is the NFL as a whole is a better product. The NBA regular season is really painful and slow and filled with a bunch of garbage. I have to admit, the NBA lost ALOT when MJ retired the 2nd time from the Bulls. Couple that with the fact that only negative stories get noticed these days (where are the articles about Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Tracy McGrady); guys who stay out of trouble, play their hearts out, and yet they never get a mention. The NBA is seriously starting to look like a WWF spin-off.

Another argument can be said for instant replay. Referees in the NBA are horrible, making foul calls 5 seconds after the play actually happens? In the NFL, at least they can be reversed. Anyway, this isn't coming out the way I wanted to, but you get the idea.

I still don't think the draft was more exciting or "owns" the NBA playoffs, though. :)

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I would rather watch golf before the NBA or MLB. I think the NBA is all about image and money and not playing. I think that the MLB is somewhat about playing but when two teams such as the Yanks and Red Socks spend at least 4 times as much money as every team than why should I bother to watch my Devil Rays. I may catch them here or there but never a season. Its even worse when the Yanks spend all that money and still lose but that is even worse for us fans because that means the Yanks owner will spend another 50 million more. I really loved the NFL when they put in a real cap or hard cap that made everything fair and would actually hurt teams if they went over. It made coaches and owners work harder at getting quality players while still staying under the cap and being aware of the future. It stops owners from buying the superbowl. Everygame this last playoffs was a great game with very few blowouts and games worth watching which makes my NFL Sunday Ticket subscription very worthwhile considering that all the regular season games are exactly the same. I do know that the NFL ST doesn't show playoffs but even regular season games were fun to watch. How many games did I see that were decided by a few plays if not one play. Now my NFL ST subscription with the added HDTV games will be even more worth it. Great games with great picture quality.

It also looks like at least half of all NFL ST games will be in HD per week and last I heard it was going to be 8 games per week. Now add ABC MNF and ESPN SNF and that makes 10 games per week in HDTV.

OMG I can't wait for the NFL season to start and go Bucs and yes they will win everything this year to make it two out of three seasons. Others may not agree with me but when Tampa is holding the Superbowl trophy you can say sorry for doubting me. LOL.

I wish everyteam could win but since only one can win why not it be my teams right.

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