[NHL] CBA Thread

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More sellouts on the weekend? Ok talk to teams like Detroit and Minnesota and Toronto and all the other franchises that sell out EVERY game. It isn't the game times or dates, it is a lack of intrest. When you have hockey in places like Carolina, Ohio, Tennesse, Georgia and other places where it just doesn't make sense, that is why attendance is down. Give the teams back to Canada or just slash the teams all together. Cut out like 4-6 teams atleast, then those players actually fit to play in the NHL can be on good teams with other stars. Why does Rick Nash play in Columbus or Gaborik in Minnesota?

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At least they are talking now. ESPN has a special section on the current CBA talks between the PA and the Owners

Here's a new article on the talks:


I dont agree with cutting number of games back.

They should cut the games....I mean sheesh...by the time the playoffs are over, they are starting the season in like three months. 20 games would be PLENTY :p

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Results of an independent audit by Arthur Levitt, former chair of the SEC, confirm assertions by the NHL that its 30 member teams lost a combined $273 million in 2002-03.

An avg. loss of $9.something million per team. :blink:

They really should cut down the no. of teams out there. Invite people/teams from Canada to make up for the lost teams.

Have teams from Russia/Sweden come and play with the pros here.

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Euro teams would get smoked if they tried to play in the states. Scandanavian hockey is all about offense, Russia has got it well planned though. They can play two way hockey a little better. But yea the Canadien teams couldn't stay because of money problems. When teams write checks to players, it is under US currency. Doing a little currency convergance... Say a players paycheck is $100,000 in USD, it costs $136,997.93 in CAD. So you can see why it is hard, they need to do something about that. We can not be typical Americans and steal from those who came before us without giving back.

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i thought the teams left canada cuz the same problems...is this not true?

The Canadian dollar used to be very weak compared to the American dollar. When teams payed salaries in US$ and collected fan revenue in C$ there was an exchange shortfall. Now that the US$ continues to weaken relative to the C$ this is no longer the problem it once was.

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Bring back the Nordiques! :p Yeah, more Canadian teams would be nice. And yeah, cut back on the teams that aren't producing. It's not the amount of games but lack of interest. Also, it would be great for the sport. Only the best of the best players remain and the not so good are "removed" (because you don't want to have too many players on a team (with all those extras from the dead teams)).

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