Automatic Installation of windows updates

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Ok, I feel like a dork.

1) But my question is if they bundle all of them together between service packs so you don't have to download each one online like you do now.

2) By the way, will SP2 include every single item in SP1 plus all of the security releases for things like Outlook Express, Windows Media Player, etc. that you can nornally get on Windows Update?

3) If I was working on a network with say 100 people, I would not want to have to go to each machine and run Windows Update.? I'd want to be able to download all of the updates, put them on a single CD and either push them out via SMS or have field techs use that CD on each machine in the group.? That is what I'm trying to get at.? Thanks.[/quote1)/b> Sometimes they do. They did a fairly large one for Windows 2000, called SRP2 I believe (security rollup pack). XP also had a small one post-SP12)/b> Yes, until the late RC stages3) /b>And, most Microsoft-exclusive networks have other means of patch management, like advanced group policies (me), SUS Servers, or SMS. Distributing CD's is costly and generally avoided by the corporate masses.

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