[NFL] Collins to the Raiders

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well considering gannon's age and the potential for injury added to al davis and his decision making i wouldn't exactly say gannon is a lock for the season...smart move on collins part

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i think he has a good shot to be the starter, (if he signs and everything). i think he if he starts he will do a good job, not great... but good!

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im a die hard raider fan...and it looks like we are going to dump gannon cause of #1 his age, #2 shoulder surgery and we dont know how its gonna be during the season, #3 we want him to take a small paycut and he doesnt want to, #3 collins can throw the deep ball better than gannon.

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damn, i was thinking he was gonna go to the ravens.

i tell you what.... the raiders arent as bad off as i thought they were going to be.

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yea we have made a lot of good moves this offseason, damn good o-line and we got the talent on our defense, but we haven't produced yet so im not gonna say were "awesome" yet. will see though i think we could be a surprise this year in the AFC...and i hate the broncos lol

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Raders are going to be a different team this year. They've made some pretty shrewd moves....First by dumping Callahan.

I agree that Callahan was not a good fit for the Raiders....but I can tell you that this Huskers fan loves having him as our coach!!!!

Others may disagree, and thats fine...but please no bashing because I think Callahan is a good fit for the Huskers.

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