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Yep cheated utd big style with that goal at the end :( - im a big utd fan aswell, go ova for loads of der matches, i gotta say they don't deserve it, monaco did coming back to beat real madrid

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Congratulations to the largest single collection of cheats, divers and arrogants this planet has seen :D

Though I'm not a Porto fan, I think it's a little unfair to call them that, they 've beaten great teams to go where they are + they won UEFA last year.These things show that they are a good team. The best in Europe? Maybe not,but very efficient nonetheless.No team wins 3-0 in a final unless they are that good :)

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Though I'm not a Porto fan, I think it's a little unfair to call them that, they 've beaten great teams to go where they are + they won UEFA last year.These things show that they are a good team. The best in Europe? Maybe not,but very efficient nonetheless.No team wins 3-0 in a final unless they are that good :)

Lol, my arse

Dazzla's so right,

I'm from Scotland,

I hate Celtic (mon the gers)

I hate Man U,

So i have no reason to hate Porto other than i am a footbal fan who hates to see this kind of cheating european style football.

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I watched 30min of the 1st half and I couldnt stand it anymore.

The most boring game I have seen in a long while.

Went and played True Crime - Multiplayer... much better lol :happy:

and yeah Dazzla there were at least 4/5 dives in the 30min drivel I saw.

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Lol, my arse

Dazzla's so right,

I'm from Scotland,

I hate Celtic (mon the gers)

I hate Man U,

So i have no reason to hate Porto other than i am a footbal fan who hates to see this kind of cheating european style football.

I agree that they play boring football, but they are not the only ones that cheat and cheating is not the defining element of their game.

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Dive, Dive, Dive ... so many diving, i'm starting to have my feet wet with so many water ...

What a bunch of bad loosers !!!

Its diving that Porto's players scores goals, isn't it ?

Grow up and watch as it is, with diving and football, its all part of the game, and if you don't like it, well thats your problem ...


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This photo is dedicated to Dazzla and to his bad loosing, hahahahaha :D

"Porto smash and grab" - www.eurosport.com

"Porto perform to perfection" - www.uefa.com

And now, off to the streets and celebrate! *HIC*

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Its just hard for an Irish, English, Scotsman or Welshman to understand the diving thing.

Basically cos in our football we dont dive unless properly hit.. then 9 times out of 10 we dont..

probably cos we dont wanna look like little girls like Porto and a lot of Brazilians when they dive ;)

Anyone remember klinsmann?

I rest my case :laugh:

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Its just hard for an Irish, English or Scotsman to understand the diving thing.

Basically cos in our football we dont dive unless properly hit.. then 9 times out of 10 we dont.. probably cos we dont wanna look like little girls like Porto and a lot of Brazilians ;)

Very true - Outside of Great Britain, this is the nature of the game, but here, 'the home of football' we play it like well, blokes, and not girls? :rolleyes:

Diving, and outright cheating is a disgrace to the game, IMO. How you europeans posting here can condone it, is unbelievable.

I digress, Porto and Monaco both played some good football to get this far, but much like Millwall's success to reach the FA Cup Final, it by no means makes them the top two clubs in European football unfortunately... The Champions League this year, took quite an odd turn around...

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Its just hard for an Irish, English, Scotsman or Welshman to understand the diving thing.

Basically cos in our football we dont dive unless properly hit.. then 9 times out of 10 we dont..

probably cos we dont wanna look like little girls like Porto and a lot of Brazilians when they dive ;)

Anyone remember klinsmann?

I rest my case :laugh:

I agree and while that definately honours you(not diving), it doesn't help much in taking good results in Europe.Football as all other aspects of life evolve,not necessarily to the better but it's how things are.And I think that any team no matter how they dive etc. CAN'T win such a competition without having a good team. :) And they (Porto) also have a great coach

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I agree and while that definately honours you(not diving), it doesn't help much in taking good results in Europe.Football as all other aspects of life evolve,not necessarily to the better but it's how things are.And I think that any team no matter how they dive etc. CAN'T win such a competition without having a good team. :) And they (Porto) also have a great coach

You mean had, in the post match interview he confirmed that that was his last game as coach of Porto.

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Porto didn't deserved to win... not with that score!

That's true, but Monaco created no chances to score at all...Overall it was a bad game for a final,but at least we saw some goals, unlike last year...

And yes Dazzla you are right.He is going to Chelsea probably

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You mean had, in the post match interview he confirmed that that was his last game as coach of Porto.

Don't suppose he'd be heading for the Big League would he? *Cough* England! :laugh: :happy:

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Hey man, go make love to your Carolina, I don't say bull**** ...

Come on,it's celebration time for you...I am amazed how you can be in front of the screen now and not in the streets.Your team doesn't win CL every day

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