Xbox Internet Browser

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Hi Xbox Fans :)

is there a internet browser for xbox??? either using EvoX or the main Xbox Dashboard?

i really want to go Neowin on my xbox...

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i seem to of found

Doom for the xbox

duke3d for the xbox

quake 2

and more dos games... this is awsome!

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Yes, someone created an internet browser for the Xbox, its on Xbox-Scene somewhere


Omg, I think i am going to faint can you please link me!

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Ok i need help, its installed.... but..... how do i use the internet... do i have to setup the internet.. please help... :(

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why on earth would anyone want to surf the net on their xbox, you dont even have a keyboard, surely its a bad as the dreamcast was

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Surfing on a dreamcast was pretty bad, without a keyboard or mouse I can only imagine how terrible it is on the xbox.

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why on earth would anyone want to surf the net on their xbox, you dont even have a keyboard, surely its a bad as the dreamcast was

It's really not that bad. And you can hook a USB keyboard up to the XBox if you want.

To set up the internet you usually just need to have the network cable pluged in. If it still doesn't work, then search through the configuration files of your dashboard for a place to input your IP and other information.

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Hey man... don't post links to the usual places unless you wanna see them disappear... use a PM

lol, thats not a usual place, the usual places can't be found on google

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i remember the big fuss when this came out, but haven't heard anything since. any luck on getting it to work?

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