Music Speech Help

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Short music speech for school:

I?m very passionate about many things, but the thing, which stands out the most, is music. Everyone has a passion for music; everyone has a favourite band, singer or song. Music is a way for people to get inspired and motivated. Without bands like Metallica, Black Sabbath, The Beatles, and Led Zeppelin I would not be interested in playing bass or appreciating the hardwork which goes into writing a song. In some songs, the artist tries to convey different messages, which is a way to express lyrics. Music is a way to bring out opinions and views on many issues such as politics. Music is like a book, it has many different genres and sometimes has a subliminal (sub-lim-in-al) message held within the lyrics. Music is also a source of relaxation. There are also some interesting theories about music, apparently when pregnant, listening to Beethoven is meant to increase the knowledge of your baby. The thing about music is that everyone likes it, no matter how old you are you can somehow relate to it.

I need some help, i cant thing of much more to write...

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How much more do you need? You could say something like "Music has the power to bring people together or divide entire groups. " Maybe you should discuss the history of music near the begining...." Music dates back to....blah blah...but it is still a prominent part of society..." Or you could take this route..."Webster defines music as the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre, but music means so much more to me than that. Music is a feeling.....blah blah" Then a nice conclusion like " Without the years of influence of music on society, our world may not be the same place....."

I don't know if that is going to help you any, but hey I tried. ::shrug::

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