Best Linux distro for P3 64mb ram.

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Hi, I know this has been asked alot, but I have a couple of more twists to throw in. Here is what I want

-Must Work Okay with only 64 megabytes of ram


-Latest Version of KDE

-semi fast bootup

-Lots of hardware support

-Must be able to be imaged on to 60 computers

-Must have lots of Programs Pre-Installed

-Must be semi-easy for newbies.


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-Must Work Okay with only 64 megabytes of ram


-Latest Version of KDE

Reconsider the choice of KDE (or Gnome for that matter) and you should be fine with ANY distro given those hardware requirements.

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Traditionally I have liked the combination of the XFce3 panel running atop the Fluxbox environment is pretty functional and pretty quick.

However, I must say, that Rox thing looks pretty cool. I might just check that out. It doesn't look all that light to me (in terms of running in 64MB RAM) but I'm sure it's less than KDE.

Hmmm sorry, I forgot to put that most of these people will be comming from windows. So if it looked kinda close or similar to windows, it would be best.

IceWM with some of the Redmond/XP themes look very similar to Windows. I don't think that's enough for me to recommend IceWM over Fluxbox but that's for you to ultimately decide.

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That is crazy!!!

Hey, how would a knoppix HD Install do?

Installing Knoppix will get you IceWM, XFce3 and Fluxbox all preinstalled (along with KDE).

While many people might recommend XFce4 (which doesn't usually come with Knoppix), I would recommend you stick with XFce3 because it is less bloated.

Again, I like to start Fluxbox and then run the XFce3 panel on top of Flux. The XFce3 panel is particularly good for running custom programs that are not in the automatic Debian menu.

I find it a pain in the ass to add items manually to the Flux menu system. Perhaps others know of a tool that does this but I find the XFce3 panel is a good tool to launch the most commonly used items.

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Good suggestions. :yes:

My kids all worked very well with IceWM. And a Knoppix HD install is an easy way to get a distro. I think it will install KDE as well as IceWM (not 100% sure, though). The HD installer app didn't offer any choices on install (even though you can select alternate WMs by typing a modifier at the knoppix boot screen.

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Just spend 20 bucks on a 256meg stick of ram and you'll be able to run any of them.

There are 60 boxes not just one. Cost of RAM + cost of labour * 60.

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How would I switch over to it? Or Is that in the install?

You can boot the CD with cheat codes to load specific WMs or to go direct to the console. A google for 'knoppix cheat codes' should find the whole list. It's also in a text file on the CD.

Once you have Knoppix installed on the hard disk then you can use the KDM graphical boot manager to select the WM of your choice.

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Good suggestions. :yes:

My kids all worked very well with IceWM. And a Knoppix HD install is an easy way to get a distro. I think it will install KDE as well as IceWM (not 100% sure, though). The HD installer app didn't offer any choices on install (even though you can select alternate WMs by typing a modifier at the knoppix boot screen.

The installer from Knoppix 3.4 offered a few suggestions. I think there was basic, normal/recommended and advanced.

Basic just installed the OS with little to no applications or WM choices.

Normal did the normal thing but it defaults to ext3 which doesn't excite me.

Advanced only asks a few more questions than normal (or recommended or whatever it was called). One of those questions was: ext3 or reiserfs?

I went with reiserfs.

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No WM. Learn Linux from the console, then move to a graphical interface.

:rofl: Yeah. That is the best way to do it .... for linux vets.

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