[MLB] Edgar Martinez to retire

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Two-time AL batting champion Edgar Martinez announced Monday that he will retire at the end of the season, ending his career with the Seattle Mariners as one of baseball's greatest designated hitters.

Martinez, 41, was a seven-time All-Star. He batted over .300 in 10 seasons, and led the league in hitting in 1992 and 1995.

This year, Martinez is batting .258 with eight home runs and 46 RBI.

"I have decided that this will be my last season," Martinez said. "I am very fortunate and grateful that I have been able to play my entire career with the Seattle Mariners. The fans here have always been and continue to be great."

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A great player and a real class act. Going to suck seeing him leave the game.

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I live in Seattle and this news makes me so sad. Edgar was the foundation for the Mariners for 10+ years and to see him go saddens me. He's had a great career and I have great memories because of hits he's had at games I've been at (such as Game 5 of the 1995 Division Series versus the Yankees). I hope he gets in the Hall. He deserves it.


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I hope he does make the hall eventually. I don't say on first vote or whatever, but eventually. He's a great person and he was someone alot of people could admire and look up to.

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More than anything, he is a quality human being and a great clubhouse presence.

Problem is that people still are very bias against the DH, for one, and also none of his specific categories are outstanding. When taken in context, all of his numbers as a whole are consistent and impressive, but it seems doubtful they will be enough to get him in. Then again, Ozzy Smith was one-dimensional (pretty much) and he got in. Perhaps the fact that he played in a smaller market on the West Coast may keep him out as well, being that there is an East Coast bias to some extent.

I think he may have stayed one year too many, but he will still go out as a class act and an appreciated player by the fans of Seattle.

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As a Mariners fan it is a sad day here :( Best DH ever.... period. Shame the M's got real old real fast and his last season is on the worst team in baseball.

Thanks for the memories Edgar.

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As a Mariners fan it is a sad day here :( Best DH ever.... period. Shame the M's got real old real fast and his last season is on the worst team in baseball.

Thanks for the memories Edgar.

People complained that Lou was too hard-nosed for todays players. So, they replaced him with a "softie" in Melvin and now look what happened. Sad way for Edgar to go out, that is for sure.

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i think hall of fame is a toss up.. he has been a DH most of his career, and thats going to cost him a few votes.. good player though, never caused any sort of trouble on or off the field.. sad to see him go.

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Catnip, he is the best DH of all time. He leads in all categories among all DH's to ever play the game. He may or may not get in the Hall of Fame, but he still is the best DH of all-time.

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Catnip, he is the best DH of all time. He leads in all categories among all DH's to ever play the game. He may or may not get in the Hall of Fame, but he still is the best DH of all-time.

fair enough. point is, he's still a DH. I just dont have much respect for someone when they get to sit on the bench while everyone else works hard out in the field.. there are 2 halves to every inning in baseball, and he never had to be a part of that 2nd half. I dont care if hes the best DH in baseball history. The DH is BS, and a career DH will never get my endorsement for the hall.

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That's like saying a FG kicker in football shouldn't enter the hall of fame because he just sits on the bench and only kicks the ball 2-3 times a game while other players are on the field working hard.

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The hall of fame voters are just jerks sometimes. I hear them on the radio saying they won't vote yes on hardly anybody on the first ballot even if they deserve it. What a bunch of ego-centric wannabees. (N)

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there is no way he should be in the hall...hes a damn dh and can't play everyday. u look at his stats for a "DH" who usually just hit for power cause they can't do anything else. He barely has 300 hr's. I mean I respect the guy, but there is no way he should be in the HOF

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Hope he makes it into the HOF as anything(DH or position player), he has the #'s.

He better not get screwed over like Santo and Sandberg

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