[Olympics] Well Done Kelly!

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Golden double for Holmes


Kelly Holmes ran another perfect race to take a wonderful 1500m gold and make Olympic history in Athens.

Holmes, who took 800m gold on Monday, ran a new British record of 3 minutes 57.90 seconds when it mattered most.

She becomes the first Briton for 84 years to achieve the Olympic middle-distance double.

Holmes sprinted down the home straight to finish three metres clear of Russia's Tatyana Tomashova, with Romania's Maria Cioncin in bronze.

"I can't believe it - I'm gobsmacked," said Holmes,

"After the 800m I had a lot of confidence and I was feeling good going through the rounds, but these girls are really good and I had to focus more than ever in that race.

"I was trying to place myself in the right position and put myself where I had to make a move.

"I wouldn't ordinarily move up as quickly as I did, but the pace was so quick.

"I had to use all my guts to hold on for dear life - I was running as fast as I could."


Well Done Kelly Holmes!!

An amazing feat and an amazing couple of races, not only winning two golds but also setting a British record!

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I watched the race -it was an amazing race - even the comataters weren't sure she would win the 1500m but she came up the track faster then you can say 'Kelly wins gold!' Very impressive race! Well Done Kelly!!

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Well done 'DAME' Kelly holmes

It's about time us Brits celebrated our victories and victors more, instead of concentrating on the losers like Paula Ratcliff. Stop making excuses for being crap or ill-prepared. That ******** Brendon Foster was saying you can't train for this type of marathon. WHAT!!!! The Japanese trained by going to a hot country and running up hills - DUH!. who won it - Japan - Again DUH!

If you are fair to middling like the 2 divers last night and you do well to come 5th and 6th then great - well done - not good enough though, so go away and train more or just go away.

I can't believe I'm saying this but - We need to be more like the those Americans - second is the first loser - you lost, OK they give you a Silver medal but you lost simple as that.

However came up with that phrase "It not the winning, but the taking part" was obviously a loser.

Some idiots in our local councils have said that in school sports days you can't have more than 3 runners so nobody is a loser. Or that everybody gets a medal so no one is classed as a loser - What load of crap. You come first you win, everything else you lost.

OK rant over, but please somebody shoot that useless pillock Brendon Foster, whoever thought he would make a good commentator was on drugs or got a back-hander.

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However came up with that phrase "It not the winning, but the taking part" was obviously a loser.

If a person enjoys a sport as much as, or more than, winning, then surely it is about the 'taking part'. If that person happens to be the best in the country at an event and doen't win gold, surely they can still claim that they don't mind not winning because they enjoyed it? The lombardian ethic is not what sport is about - its about becoming the best you can and enjoying your sport regardless of the fact you are not the best in the world. What, then, is wrong with that? Also, how do you define 'loser'? Someone who does not win an olympic gold medal? If so then there are close to six million 'losers' in the world, and you are one of them.

Some idiots in our local councils have said that in school sports days you can't have more than 3 runners so nobody is a loser. Or that everybody gets a medal so no one is classed as a loser - What load of crap. You come first you win, everything else you lost.

This, however, I do agree with. It's PC gone way too far. Competativeness should be nurtured from an early age so people always strive to be the best they can. What should be stressed to these kids, however, is that coming in last place is not a shame as long as they tried their damnedest.

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i think that you should put competitiveness in kids from an early age as it last with them throughout their lives, so if their in the Olympics they have the attitude that they want to win and nothing else, because i think that some atheletes look at their opposition and just settle for 2nd etc as they think they can't win.

I think that makes sense :huh:

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