[NFL] Anderson to miss entire season

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DENVER -- Broncos running back Mike Anderson will miss the entire season because of a groin injury sustained last weekend in an exhibition game against Houston.

Denver coach Mike Shanahan said Anderson tore both muscles in the left groin area off the bone. At this point, a specialist has recommended that Anderson let the injury heal instead of undergoing surgery.


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Wow, that sucks...for both Anderson and the Broncos.

Theres a big gap in the Broncos RB position.....no Portis and no Anderson.

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Stupid Shanahan shouldn't of had Anderson in the game in the 4th Quarter of a Pre Season game and If I remember right it wasn't even on a offensive play that he hurt himself... it looks like Q and Hearst will have to fill the main RB positions. oh well.... Go Darius Watts!! ROTY :)

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