Mayorga a Rapist?

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MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - Former world champion Ricardo Mayorga was arrested Friday on suspicion of rape, and says he is uncertain about the status of his Oct. 2 middleweight bout in New York against Felix Trinidad.

Mayorga was released later Friday, after his lawyer, Sergio Morales, charged that the arrest warrant used to detain the boxer had expired Thursday. Appeals court Judge Ricardo Gomez ordered Mayorga freed and upheld an injunction filed by Morales that will allow his client to travel to New York.

Mayorga was arrested at Managua's international airport after a complaint was filed Wednesday by a 20-year-old woman who said the boxer had invited her to a hotel, beat her and sexually abused her, police spokesman Marlon Montano said.

Speaking earlier to The Associated Press at a police station where he had been taken, Mayorga said he was innocent.

"I had a normal relationship with her and the hotel employees are witnesses that she was happy when she left the hotel. I gave her two bills of 500 cordobas (about $30 each) and we said goodbye," said Mayorga, who was dressed in black, smoked a cigarette and asked a photographer to shoot him in a boxing pose.

With their fight coming up soon, well Trinidad's fight should I say (cause he will whoop Mayorga easily), Mayorga gets accused of rape. Whether its true or not, this is not only an issue with boxing but with sports in general.

Some of our heros and childrens heros are just trash talking dirt slingers from some f'd up street corner. Disappointing truly. hmpf.

I guess we can wait and see what materializes from this. Hope to see Trinidad in with a real opponent.

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And the first thing we all think much does she want?

That's sad, but when celebrities get accused of this, we always thing the accuser has alterior motives. I honestly think Mayorga will het soundly defeated, now with this over his head.

Now...if he did do it, then he deserves whatever he gets for it.

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