RJ on the retirement path.

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Johnson KOs Jones!

By Scotti Vandevender at ringside

IBF light heavyweight champion Glengoffe Johnson knocked out Roy Jones Jr. in round nine to retain his title Saturday night in Memphis, Tennessee. A right hand sent Jones to the deck for the count :48 into the ninth. After an all-out assault in round one, Johnson continued to press the action and outworked Jones the entire way. Roy had his moments with quick flurries, but Johnson kept up the pressure and finally ended it with a big right hand. All three judges had Johnson leading (77-75, 77-75, 78-74) going into the fatal ninth. Jones, who suffered a concussion, was still in the ring fifteen minutes after the finish being examined by doctors. He is expected to head to a local hospital for observation.

Looks to me like he has gotten old in his past two. Sure wish it was Hopkins who got to expose the chicken fighter.

Seriously, you think that jump to heavyweight hurt Jones, or do you think its superman's time?

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He's done. I could not believe my eyes last night, I truly thought it was just a "warm up" fight to help him get back into stride after Tarver knocked him out.

Now I just believe he has last his the focus and desire that did make him by far one of, if not the best, pound for pound fighters in the last 14 years.

George Foreman has a better chance of making a come back now, I truly believe that.

Roy has just lost the passion and he simply is just a faded glimpse of what he used to be. Nobody is scared of him anymore, and as a result he really is done.

I 110% appreciate the great memories though, he will always be in the top greats in my eyes, and I feel lucky to say I got to see his entire career.

Here is to hoping he makes the right decision and just sticks to being an announcer, which is not such a bad gig at all, just hang around Larry Merchant and get drunk throughout the night of the fight. ;)

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^ thats a well done sig dude!

Anyways, looks to me Roy's chin was really questionable. These were one punch knockouts in his last two. Im thinking that move to heavyweight and back made him old overnight. Either that or the blueprint by Tarver was laid out perfectly. Tarver and Johnson are really not hard punchers to be honest so the question comes down to, was Roy really that great? It is time to hang them up for sure, but was he really a great? Ive been biased against him so I cant give the total honest conclusion. Ill leave that up for debate.

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^ thats a well done sig dude!

Anyways, looks to me Roy's chin was really questionable. These were one punch knockouts in his last two. Im thinking that move to heavyweight and back made him old overnight. Either that or the blueprint by Tarver was laid out perfectly. Tarver and Johnson are really not hard punchers to be honest so the question comes down to, was Roy really that great? It is time to hang them up for sure, but was he really a great? Ive been biased against him so I cant give the total honest conclusion. Ill leave that up for debate.

about the sig, thanks. (Y)

i think you ask the true question that definitely needs to be asked, was RJ then really that great?

i think this will be up for debate, no question about it.

now one has to go back and evaluate all of his past fights and ask was he that good? or was he that imposing? leaving people who fought him unsure how to approach fighting him... i personally now think it is a definite combination of the 2.

i also think you were right on with the evaluation of his move to heavyweight. it simply just could be making this decision caused a wear and tear on his body that he was not ready for, or that he simply should just not have done.

also his chin is definitely questionable now, and again the question is was it always and just was never tested?

i think alot also comes down to what happen to roy jones jr towards the end of his career. he was always to big for his own good and was an egomaniac who referred to him in the 3rd person, however in the past few years getting sponsored by jordan and then thinking he was a rap artist just really made him lose focus on why he was even getting recognition for being roy jones jr in the first place.

i do think he was great though at one point, the question is though when did he stop being great? i tend to favor when i pointed out above, when he became to big in his own head, and had nothing to prove to himself boxing wise anymore.

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