Setting Folder Permissions

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Ok people, I need your expertise :)

I have a drive, D: - this is called music library

With 4 folders

-uberized rips

-uberized downloads



and I have 2 user accounts.

Admin and Common.

Ripping and Downloading should have read and write for both users. This I can accomplish.

Both of the uberized folders should only have read-only access for common (but full access for admin).

This is partly because I dont want programs (or people) changing the tags etc.

I thought I had done this correctly, but every new folder I put in the uberized ones (that has been created by common), It still has full access. The only way around this for me is to redo the whole lot of permissions again, applying the different permissions to the new folders. This is not convenient.

So basically, I was hoping one of you people could walk me through setting up the correct permissions, so any new folders have the right permissions applied to them.

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