Dave Wannstedt Resigns

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Dolphins coach Dave Wannstedt, his team saddled with the worst record in the NFL, will resign on Tuesday, ESPN's Hank Goldberg and The Miami Herald reported late Monday night.

Before this season, Wannstedt never won less than 9 games with the Dolphins.

Defensive coordinator Jim Bates is expected to be named interim head coach during an afternoon news conference.


What a surprise :p

Edited by L3thal
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indeed, its not surprising, the dolphins is an horrid team. And dont say that its just because Ricky Williams retirement, the team sucks indeed, the only worthy player is Zack Thomas

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Actually, [sanctified], their defense is quite worthy. Apart from the game against the Jets, their defense is what has kept them in games. But let's face it, with Ricky, they were at least an 8-8 team.

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I was a Dolphins fan for years but I had to turn my back on them a couple of years ago. I mean they haven't been a great team since the 80's but they were at least good into the late 90's. The problem I had with the team was the horrible decisions they make. It's the reason why Dan Marino didn't stay in his front office job for long. They just don't run that team properly. I never really liked Ricky in the first place, anyway.

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way to stick with your team through the hard times dave.


Maybe he was forced to resign

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let the spurrier talk begin again ;)


If he isn't coming back to UF, he isn't going anywhere! :laugh:

At least I hope not... :unsure:

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,Nov 9 2004, 02:12]Maybe he was forced to resign


i was watching the press conference on nfl network and the interim coach made it sound like it was all daves decision.

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Sad news. I like Dave Wannstedt from his days with Dallas (great days). He has a history though of not being a good judge of talent. I think he's still one of the best Coordinators in the NFL, he's just not as good at Head Coaching. I'm sure he will find a job after the season. You hang in there Dave Wannstedt, you still have fans.

On another note, this team was to much for Jimmy Johnson too, so it's not only the head coaches fault.

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The Dolphins has a grand historic legacy. They'll stick around, for sure. I haven't lost faith in them and I think it'll only take a few years before the luck changes.

Unless you're the Cardinals.

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I'd be surprised if Spurrier took the job. The offense is, for lack of better words, disgusting, and he would have nothing to work with in terms of potential. It will be Washington all over again. They'll draft a QB as first pick (I can't imagine who, though) and he'll have to work with a bunch of scraps.

I seriously think Steve Spurrier is done with the NFL. He's a college guy, where you still can teach players to play and can get away with alot more.

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Yeah, New England, just from watching some ESPN they talk about him.

LSU coach Nick Saban,

New England coordinator Charlie Weis

Philadelphia Offensive coordinator Brad Childress

Interim coach Jim Bates

Basically the only main guys I've heard about.. I highly doubt Spurrier will be there, atleast I hope not for Miami's sake ;)

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Well, Nick Saban issued a statement on Monday saying he wasn't interested in leaving LSU. I don't have a link to the blurb, but it was on ESPN.com (it was at the bottom of the actual Wannstedt article).

You know what would be crazy...and really, really out there...is Bob Stoops taking the job. It's in Florida, the defense is not too terrible (although it is cause for debate I guess) and I don't think people would expect the team to light it up right off the bat the way they would if Spurrier were there. Personally, I don't think he should jump to the NFL, but he doesn't rely on his players playing perfect football either...they just get it done.

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