Colin Farrell , the new James Bond?

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Colin Farrell is horrible. He's so stale as an actor.

I wouldn't mind seeing Jason Stratham, the dude from Italian Job and The Transporter. He has a good accent and has a professional persona on-screen.


That would be an interesting choice. They should do something where they let the fans decide or something.

Colin Farell - I dont think he would make a good Bond

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Plus, wouldn't it be strange to have Bond getting younger and younger (looking at least)? I mean, Brosnan looks younger than the guys before him, and Colin Farrel definitely looks younger than him... It's just kinda dumb if you ask me. But I do like Brosnan; he was a great Bond.

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I'm another supporter for Clive Owen, even though he seems a bit mature for a supposed younger Bond generation of films to come, but he definately has the chops and looks to secure James Bond.

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Dougary Scott got the role didnt he? Last I heard on the local news (being Scottish he gets on the news a bit :p)

Colin farrell would be good, but he said he'd play the role with an Irish accent since he's Irish

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He wouldn't be able to play this part for sure.

*Edit* I haven't watched the last JB or much of the one before, it's dying. Goldeneye and maybe The World Is Not Enough were the last ones worth watching i think. With films like The Bourne Identity/Supremacy rivalling it, Bond doesn't stand a chance unless they sort themselves out.

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The inventions werent as cool as they used to be. Halle Berry was nice though ;)

Pierce Brosnan was one very good Bond I think. Sean Connery as well. But Collin doesnt have something the last two have (And with class)

A British Accent.

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He turned it down. I heard Eric Bana was taking the role.

Pierce Brosnan did do a good job, but out of the lot he it Goldeneye was the only good one

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Eric Bana?!?!

Isnt that a bit wrong? I cant imagine him trying a fake British accent with him having such a heavy Aussie one.

We'll see if it becomes a big flop or not.

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He's a good actor though and accents are easy to get around these days... They taught Keanu kong-fu... surely they can get Bana a good accent.

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Jeremy Theobald

follow.jpg (small pic from following)

colin's basically a meaner brad pitt- both would ruin the series.

Vin Diesel might as well get the part. :wacko:


this just doesn't look like a bond to me.

the ears- the jawline-

and the profile of his nose is too similar to jean reno's.

on the other hand jean reno mite b interesting :whistle:

Edited by Dark_INk
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