David Boston Facing Steriod Suspension?

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Maybe this is old...I dunno? If so then please delete this topic.

Another blow to the Dolphins...kind of...doesn't suprise me either.

Edited by DreAming in DigITal
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Hell yeah he was using roids...lol, lifting weights doesnt make your head grow.. :D

just ask barry....


Sanders? :huh: I dont remember him using steroids

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Don't judge a book by its covers. I find it unfair that a guy that is built naturally will presently face accusations of steroids even though he worked hard to get where he is.

I'm not saying Boston is innocent, but when people start judging other people by their body, that gets out of hand.

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He got humongous ever since his rookie season. Its slowed him down, tightness of muscles doesnt help for extended mobility at all. Plus hes on the Dolphins. Double Whammy

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