Should Barry be in the Hall of Fame?

Should Bonds be in the HOF?  

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  1. 1. Should Bonds be in the HOF?

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i dont think it matters... sports are worthless... so if they want to f*ck their lives up w/ that then let them... theyre only dishonoring and embarassing themselves when they get these records and are known as "the record holder on steroids"

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dude you got me all excited thinking they announced he wouldn't be let in...

there is good debate both ways...

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dude you got me all excited thinking they announced he wouldn't be let in...

there is good debate both ways...

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Since the title was edited asking for opions maybe there should be a poll :unsure:

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Since the title was edited asking for opions maybe there should be a poll :unsure:



For my $0.02 opinion, Barry and Giambi should never be inducted into the HOF. their homeruns, from the point of drugs, should be subtracted so that their total should be lower.

they should be banned for life/10 years for their disgraceful act. This is no different from what Pete Rose did.

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and now all those morons who said oh Bonds didnt use steriods, well GG to you! And dont play that **** hes playing "oh i didnt know there were steriods, or i didnt know it was illegal." Give me a break, bonds should be banned from baseball and should have his homerun record taken out of the books.

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they should stand ona pitchers mound and have someoone hit baseballs towards them aiming for there nuts. but the amount of steroids they have taken already probably shrunk them to the size of raisins :rofl:

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I think he should go into the Hall of Fame. Mark McGwire will be and he used a muscle enhancer.

Barry didn't just start hitting home runs either. Ever since he came to the Giants in 1993 he has been around 35-45...he just had the one big year when he hit 73. You've still got to hit the ball, folks. If all these major league players are supposedly juiced's not working for about 85%-90% of the players. Why? BECAUSE YOU STILL HAVE TO HIT THE BALL.

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/\ haha that brings up a good point...I wonder why Barry "didn't know" he was using steriods when he noticed his head growing in size, his muscle mass growing, and his nuts shrinking...all along with terrible mood swings and probably acne all over his body :)

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i play baseball and steriods make you stronger, more power, quicker, which helps when batting. What McGwire took wasnt illegal, baseball said so, what bonds took were Steriods and baseball has determined them illegal.

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Yes and get rid of 73 HR and put it back to Mark McGwire 70.. Or maybe Mark did juice himself also? :unsure: All I remember he was so damn skinny when he was rookie and then now HUGE.. Obviously??? :unsure:

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i thought McGwire used legal supplements? But if he juiced it too take his panzy ass outta the HOF too. Bonds is a joke and so are all the people who defended him and said he didnt juice it up. LOL at all of you.

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Banned from the hall of fame, yes. Banned from baseball, no. I think any accumulated records past present or future obtained through use of steriods should be expunged. But until formal rules are set on the matter, I don't think he should be banned from playing.

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if they could determimne when he started using, allow those records to count, up til that point.

after that, wipe everything.

yeah, all those guys mcquire, bonds, went from being normal sized (and this was already in their prime age) to absolutely just never seemed normal.

either way, it's really disappointing. you know they know it's steroids, they have to know it's wrong, but apparently the rules and the game don't apply to them.

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