Creating an bundled installation package

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Hopefully I didn't post in the wrong category, otherwise excuse me, it's difficult to place this.

I'm looking for a program to compile other software bundles (nero,winamp,msn,...) to 1 installation file where I can chose what to install.

I tried NSIS but that's to complicated, a couple of years ago, I had a GUI installation builder, somebody knows some names?


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welcome to Neowin (Y)

well, I don't understand at all what you want, maybe one integrated cd with several apps on it?? explain please :)

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thx for the reply's,

what I'm searching for is a tool to make a bundle of programs, so I can chose during the installation what programs to install. I tried the installation of setup factory 7.0 but it only copies the installation files but does not install them.

I'll try adminstudio...

ps: I found autopatcher xp, and I can add programs and stuff but it doesn't work on sp2 :wacko:

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use an command-line-style batch file, or use runonceex (more regustry based) I use the batch file thing when installing apps whenever i need to reinstall windows:

@echo off
title Your Title Here

echo Installing Microsoft Office 2003 Professional
echo Word 2003, Excel 2003, Powerpoint 2003, Infopath 2003
echo Publisher 2003, Outlook 2003 and Access 2003
start /wait E:\OFFICE\PRO11.MSI /QB PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

echo Installing Microsoft Office Frontpage 2003
start /wait E:\FRONTP~1\FP11.MSI /QB PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

echo Installing Microsoft Office Onenote 2003
start /wait E:\ONENOTE\ONOTE11.MSI /QB PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxx

echo Installing Microsoft Office Visio 2003
start /wait E:\VISIO\VISPRO.MSI /QB PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxxxx

echo Installing Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003
start /wait E:\PROJECT\PRJPROE.MSI /QB PIDKEY=xxxxxxxxxxx

echo Microsoft Office Installation Complete.

echo Installing Adobe Reader 6
start /wait E:\Adobereader.exe =p "-s /v\"/qn\""

echo Installing Sun Java VM Console 1.4.2
start /wait 

echo Press any key to quit.

Check out (or is it .org) its probably more helpful than me!

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