[NFL] Tedy Bruschi suffers a mild stroke

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BOSTON -- New England Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi suffered a mild stroke but is walking, talking and in good spirits, the team said.

Bruschi experienced temporary numbness, blurred vision and headaches Wednesday night and was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital.

"It has been determined that these symptoms were the results of a mild stroke," team spokesman Stacey James said. "Tedy is in good condition and, as always, his spirits are high. He is walking and talking normally and stressed that he would like to thank everyone for keeping him and his family in their thoughts and prayers."

The Boston Globe, citing an unidentified team source, reported on its Web site Thursday that Bruschi had a broken blood vessel in his head and suffered from partial paralysis that has since gone away. A broken blood vessel can cause a stroke if it deprives the brain of oxygen.

The Patriots said Bruschi could be released as early as Friday.

Source: ESPN

it looksl like he will be ok, but its still scary

edit: can a mod change mid to mild? thanks. :blush:

Edited by bangbang023
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I just heard news of this. I can't believe a guy so young and in such seemingly good conditiioning would have a stroke like that. I hope the guy is ok and walks away, ultimately, unaffected by it.

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