[NFL] No more 'unsuspecting' blind-side hits

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The NFL Competition Committee are having a meeting this week (in Hawaii) and there are reports that 'unsuspecting' blind-side hits will flagged as unnecessary roughness penaties.

Another rule they are looking into is the "horse collar" tackle that Roy Williams made on Terrell Owens, which cause Owens to break his leg.

Source: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2013952

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Ugh...I guess the new penalties will make a line backer think about knocking a receiver's block off, but hopefully the NFL will still be as enjoyable. And the horse collar tackle is just stupid as hell, it was just a bad situation that Owens went down that way when he tackled (and not by his choice either).

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Blind side tackles forbidden? Then what the defensives are supposed to do? Tap the players on the shoulder to let them know they are there and then tackle them? Ridiculous!

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what a load. if he had grabbed him by the shirt and TO went down the same way would they make a new rule about shirt tackles too? and i say that being an eagles fan. just an unfortunate situation thats all.

and the no unsuspected blind side hits? umm its football. "keep your head on a swivel." they know at all times they can get tackled. reminds me of a hit that eagles FB parry put on the DB for the 'skins (can't remember the name). the guy is running right at him (Parry) but focused on the ball carrier and gets leveled. u gonna penalize the guy for doing what he was supposed to do, block for the ball carrier? i hope these rules dont happen.

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Next rule its going to be that the deffensices should ask the QB first if they can sack him

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I agree that is a crappy Idea!!!! I tell you why, the offensive coaches will tell the players to make sure they don't look in the direction of a defensive player they know is coming. This will ruin NFL football!!! I doubt this will happen at least not the way I'm thinking.

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damn, this really sucks...were there really that many injuries this past year caused by these types of things? making it absolutely necessary to have these rules? i hope not...

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Actually, I'm in favor of getting rid of or fining for the "horse-collar" tackle. TO was not an isolated incident. Williams injured two other players just last season with the same tackle. One I found was Musa Smith of the Ravens, RB, broken leg...the other I don't remember and can't find...yet.

The blindeside hits...well, they come so far and few between, not to mention you're trying to decide wether or not the guy is looking when the game is on the line and everything's moving 2 million miles an hour.

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