PSP game reviews

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I will review only the games that the media think are "cool".

Lumines = game for grade D students who can't play a challenging puzzle. Even tetris would be too hard for players that would consider buying this crap. They added the eye candy backgrounds cause most morons like shiny lights and colors, like dumb-ass deers that stare at headlights and don't move away. If you're dumb and didn't do too well on your IQ test, this is for you. It can also pass nicely for pretentious ######.

Metal Gear Acid = Remember when games were fun? Remember, what mobile gaming concept meant? Well you wont find neither in this boring sorry of an excuse game. I would rather choose a pokemon game instead of this soulless game. By the time you make 1 action, you will arrive at your destination during your commuting.

Ridge Racer = When this game came out on PS2/GC/XBOX, it sucked butt-hole, yet all of a sudden it's amazing for everyone who plays this mediocre money sequel. This game neither has a destructive essence like burn out 3, neither the sliding skills of mario kart or Daytona USA, neither does it have the realism of a simulation racing game. Pretty much the game is this: music beat music beat slide slide, music beat, ###### commentator speaks... Finish. No wifi gaming, LAN only lasts 1:30 on Sony sub-par batteries.

Wipeout Pure: Pure stands for "Pure ****". Sony really seems to be desperate to bring this age old lame game back to the market. Fun factor is 0. THE ENTIRE GAME REVOLVES ON GOING STRAIGHT ON A ROAD. Weapon system sucks ass, it's worthless and you can do without most of them. You know that tricycle you had when you were a kid? This game predisposes the same concept, don't matter how ****ty you are, you will pass the stage.

Untold Legends: 1990s called, they want their hack & slash game back. Crap.

Mino Golf: Good! Load times are too long though. Unfortunately, sony thought decent games are not worthy of an american port.

Twisted Metal: Same characters, same weapons, same ****. If you have this game on PS2, dont bother on PSP, nothing new in this rehashed port.

Dynasty Warriors: PSP version or the new upcoming PS2?

Hard decision!!!

PSP version 69$ Can (crap game-play, crap gfx, load times that even your grandma would get fed up)


Dynasty Warrior 5 69$ Can ( next true sequel in an age old saga, with good gfx, better load times, tv screen)

You decide.

The rest of the PSP launch games, I can create better in my stool.

Games that are worthy to look out for


-Smart Bomb

Edited by cockroach
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i have to agree with him even though i'm a big sony psp fan.. ridge racer is boring after the first few rounds.. the beats are great.. great for getting a headache.. as for metal gear acid well the card system wasn't really what i was expecting after playing the first two on ps and ps2

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so all the ign and gamespot reviewers and all those user rating are "wack" eh?

BS. Thank you very much. Extremely biased and critical.

And welcome.

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I bought need for speed and its OK. I haven't delved deep enough into it to really love it, but it will have to do until GT4 and some sort of adventure games come out. The picture on teh system is ridiculously great though. I am starting to think however that there is a dead(white) pixel in the middle of the screen. I am NOT happy for $250 it shouldn't have any. i may exchange it, this is BS.

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Ha nice review, iv'e played a few of those games and whole-heartedly agree.

Nice system (the ones that don't have defects), but at the moment the games suck.

Lots of potential though.

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Hi im the senior editor from gamepro and want YOU as my star reviewer!

your reviews seem just up to our standards!

we pay $3 an hour. take it or leave it.

oh and your stupid is showing

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Lumines i agree its just a watste to play a game like thatin a machine that can run graphically much better games.

And ridge racers.. man thats all crap and its not meant to be a simulation game leave that for GT4 mobile.. ridge racer is arcade.

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i thought this was a real review til i got to the 3rd one and i knew this was complete BS :p I highly doubt this person has even touched a PSP let alone played all those games, isnt that what constitutes a review? Playing and judging a game instead of flinging **** from camp DS? ;) I am by no means a fanboy, but i can smell one a mile away. The talk about the whole PSP lineup and not even come up with even one positive thing to say is just rediculous! I think the mods need to close and/or delete this post or move is, cause i dont call it a review so much as i call it a fanboy rant ;)

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oh and your stupid is showing


And your use of good grammar isn't :rolleyes:

Some of you should probably stfu, you guys declare him a DS fanboy and I didn't even see DS in his post...some of you are just so ignorant and stupid. I'll agree, it wasn't a well done review, but don't just assume this and that when he didn't even say any of those things.

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hmmm, no his grammer was fine,.

anyways- putting aside the assumption of fanboyism, the post itself was pretty stupid. Im also accusing this guy of plain out lieing and not playing all those games more than being a fanboy anyways :p

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you ignorant little kids.

He's giving a review.

Not for debate in my opinion.

If you are giving another opinion guess what?? You're making your OWN review!

Now, lets discuss the word review. Have you played all of the games? (targetted at the person who started this thread)

Looks like you are just throwing random opinions rather than actually reviewing the game.

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i persinally think that a review has to be in honest in that it should pick out the bad AND GOOD in the subject being reviewed. truth be told there are a lot of games out there that are so bad they probably do only have bad points, but are you telling me that first off this person played who whole psp lineup? and second didnt find a single solitary redeeming point in any of them? BS- and All DS speculation aside, this is just a bad review :p

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He has a right to say what he says :) In any case, I'll state that I disagree with his review about Lumines - that game's super fun. And Ridge Racer is a rehash, but it's a fun, quick racer to pick up on the go, as it should be :)

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i agree with him on this one. There's nothing for it an to immediatly call him a ds lover or somethin is jus stupid. he's clearly waiting for some psp games to come out. But he's right all the games are ****. Turn on wifi on the psp an all of a sudden you've turned your psp to ps2 because it needs to be plugged in. Even on the DS right now there are no good games. I have both systems and I play my GBA SP more because of the FUN games it has. Not for fancy graphics. I wasted 450 for both these crap portable systems. Don't believe the hype jus stick with gba sp and super mario classic and mario 3.

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you ignorant little kids.

He's giving a review.

Not for debate in my opinion.

If you are giving another opinion guess what?? You're making your OWN review!

Now, lets discuss the word review. Have you played all of the games? (targetted at the person who started this thread)

Looks like you are just throwing random opinions rather than actually reviewing the game.


No hes not, he is MANICDEVLIN, the person that repeativly signs up to Neowin to bash PSP. Why is this topic still alive!?

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i havent just come out and said it, but all the crap aside i honestly think this guy is LIEING when he says hes played these games. I dont have a problem with people stating their opinions and Im not going to tell someone not to post because i disagree with them, but i am question both this posters credibility and why this thread is still open and seen as a viable "review" :p

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And your use of good grammar isn't  :rolleyes:

you dont get out much, do you?

"your stupid is showing" is a saying, just like "ass backwards" and such.

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