[Baseball] Pitcher Question

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Hey all,

I really like Baseball, but with me living in England I never really get to see as much of it as I would like. I am a big fan of Cricket and in Cricket there is quite a lot of debate about who the quickest bowler ever was, or is currently.

I have been wondering about the Baseball equivelent, like, who is or was the fastest pitcher to ever play baseball? Does anyone know? I would also like to know the pitchers who can throw the quickest fastballs in the game today/currently.

I remember watching a few years ago and Curt Schilling was the fastest I had seen, he was throwing 98, I think he may have hit 100, but I can't really remember. Oh, and when I was in States last June I saw Kyle Farnsworth throw 101, he was continuously up and around that speed in the game I saw.

I may as well ask here at Neowin, I know there are a lot of baseball fans on here so can anyone tell me who is the fastest pitcher ever in MLB, and who is the fastest pitcher playing at the moment?

Thanks guys,


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Last year i was at a Cubs night game and Carlos Zambrano was the starting pitcher. He had a pitch in the middle of the game that clocked at 101mph, which shocked the hell out of me. I was also at a day game against Cinn i think and Kyle Fransworth threw a pitch at 102mph. I've seen Kerry Wood pitch 100mph a few times a few years ago but more surprising about Kerry Wood is that I've seen him throw 97 & 98mph late in the game, like in the 8th inning, after 110+ pitches. That's amazing :woot:

@ a Cubs vs Brewers game in Milwaukee(Miller Park), they have a fan area in the second floor by the stairs that for $1.00 you can throw 3 pitches and the guy there will test your speed with a radar gun. The guy in front of me was in the 50mph range and it looked like a 100mph be so close to him. When i threw my 3 pitches, i threw 69mph, 71mph, 72mph and man was my arm killing me all night :p

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Well, the obvious names mentioned already. Farnsworth, Zambrano, Wood...coincidentally all on the Chicago Cubs . Well, until they traded Fanrsworth.

Others I'd mention are Randy Johnson who can get it up to 97-98 late in the game and 100 early. Billy Wagner of the Phillies is also constantly in the 100-101 range. I remember last year the Philly fans sarcastically booed him when he'd pitch "only" 99 mph.

All-time I'm not sure but I'd have to also include Nolan Ryan who could bring it at or close to 100mph. It seems that might be the limit of human ability thus far. 100-102 mph depending on the radar guns calibration and use.

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The fastest i've heard of would be Mark Wholers. He threw a 103 mph fastball in a spring training game in '95. There have been claims of faster from way back in the day, but they used unreliable methods to clock speed. The most recent fastest would have to be Randy Johnson. He threw a 102 mph fastball last year at a game in SBC Park.

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^ mark wohlers hit 103 in a game vs florida once too, thats the fastest ive witnessed

ive heard from some people that on a couple occasions nolan ryan hit anywhere from 104-107, but i dont know how much truth that holds..

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107 mph is pushing it just a little, the limit is probably 105 mph. The fastest I've read about is 104 mph by Juan Morillo a minor leaguer who is 98-100 mph. Billy Wagner hit 102 mph and used to be 99-100 mph. A couple of others have hit 103 mph. Wohlers, Jenks, Threets, Burgos, Anderson, they've all hit 103 mph.

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Guiness only recognizes the Nolan Ryan record. It has been shown that some local parks sometimes "elevate" their guns readings.

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