Johnny Damon is an idiot (according to his book)

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Apr. 10, 2005. 01:00 AM

An idiot's tale

Johnny Damon's tell-all book, Idiot: Beating The Curse and Enjoying the Game of Life, reveals the Red Sox outfielder to be ... well, an idiot.

Damon writes that he made the decision to divorce his high school sweetheart, Angie Vannice, at the start of the 2002 season.

The couple have 5-year-old twins.

"If you're good-looking and a ballplayer, girls want a piece of you," he writes.

"For the rest of the (2002) season, I met some women, some good, some bad. I had some one-nighters that I had never gotten to experience before. It was fun. I ended up having to carry around a separate cell phone for the women to call me. I didn't want them to have my main number because my phone would have been ringing off the hook and it just got tiring. ...

"One time, I was propositioned by two girls at once, but I passed. Two girls might be able to handcuff me and kill me. Mostly, they just want more of your life than you can give them. I'm sure some of them wanted to get pregnant."

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Wow, I just lost a TON of respect for the guy.


You are from Brooklyn. You had no respect for the guy. :p

Edit: Oh, you're a Mets fan. I forgot about the NL...

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The fact that he divorced for that is disheartening, but at the same time I commend him for his work with the ladies :D

Must be rough, being famous and all. Threesomes scare the hell out of me too. </sarcasm>

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Now now, lets not judge a guy because of his sexual ways. Just because he likes different vaginas every night, doesn't mean we can condemn him. Afterall, I'm sure most of us do/did the same to a point ;)

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thats something he should have done before getting married and having kids....

he just doesn't seem like a regular star, i guess chicks dig lumberjacks :huh:

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thats something he should have done before getting married and having kids....

he just doesn't seem like a regular star, i guess chicks dig lumberjacks :huh:



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Not that I'd not do what he did. But by the same token, I'd not big myself up in a book and write about it. Sounds like an insecure little prick to me!

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Wow, I just lost a TON of respect for the guy.


Me too :no:. Honestly, Boston or not, I had a certain amount of respect for the way he seemed to carry himself. I had no idea he was just another guy led around by his dick.

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Wow... he seemed like a nice guy from what I saw, but wow. What an idiot (pardon the horrible word-use, but it was the only thing I could think of).

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Now now, lets not judge a guy because of his sexual ways.  Just because he likes different vaginas every night, doesn't mean we can condemn him.  Afterall, I'm sure most of us do/did the same to a point ;)


^^^^best answer yet, lol

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Johnny Damon is Jesus, and Jesus gets laid.  ;)

-1 for Yankees


:rolleyes: Yes, well the I'm not going to comment there because I will be warned :laugh:

As for Johnny Damon, any respect I had for him, which was little to begin with, just went completely out the door... down the toilet, you get the idea. All I can say, no matter how bad the Yankees are currently doing, is "Go Yankees" and their respectable ballplayers!

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:rolleyes: Yes, well the I'm not going to comment there because I will be warned :laugh:

As for Johnny Damon, any respect I had for him, which was little to begin with, just went completely out the door... down the toilet, you get the idea. All I can say, no matter how bad the Yankees are currently doing, is "Go Yankees" and their respectable ballplayers!


/\ :yes:

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There's nothing more respectable about the Yankees than there is about Damon. Let the guy do what he wants. If you were in his shoes, with the millions of dollars, and the women all over you, are you saying with 100% honesty that you wouldn't do the same thing? :blink:

Btw, suspend Sheffield. :shifty:

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If you were in his shoes, with the millions of dollars, and the women all over you, are you saying with 100% honesty that you wouldn't do the same thing?


That's exactly what I'm saying.

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This guy is truely an idiot...his kids could be messed up over this when they grow up (some kids never heal fully after a divorce). Now that he wrote this book they'll know that the didn't have a "father" figure in their household because daddy was out with other women...johnny damon, YOUR THE MAN :angry:

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This guy is truely an idiot...his kids could be messed up over this when they grow up (some kids never heal fully after a divorce). Now that he wrote this book they'll know that the didn't have a "father" figure in their household because daddy was out with other women...johnny damon, YOUR THE MAN  :angry:


Nicely put man.

I want to go buy this book to read the entire thing, but I don't want the money to go to him though, so I think I'll go to the library this weekend and get it there. I'll let you know just how stupid this loser really is!

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What's worse is how he broke the news, of wanting a divorce, to his wife. They had been looking to buy a new house in Boston...they found one they both fell in love with and once they signed the papers, he dropped the bomb and told her she wasn't welcome in the house and if she didn't like it she could go to hell. He said he wanted 'play the field' and that she was in the way, and required too much attention. She asked that they try to work it out, but he said it wasn't worth the effort.

Source: Johnny Damon

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What's worse is how he broke the news, of wanting a divorce, to his wife. They had been looking to buy a new house in Boston...they found one they both fell in love with and once they signed the papers, he dropped the bomb and told her she wasn't welcome in the house and if she didn't like it she could go to hell. He said he wanted 'play the field' and that she was in the way, and required too much attention. She asked that they try to work it out, but he said it wasn't worth the effort.

Source: Johnny Damon


I can top that one... read this story:

Damon Admits To Having Sex With Nine Women While Wife Was In Labor

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I can top that one... read this story:

Damon Admits To Having Sex With Nine Women While Wife Was In Labor


Dayyum, you're right. What a poor man...I can't believe he's openly willing to tell people these things.

And this isn't about morals, it's about his children's mental health. His inability to comprehend this is unfortunate and sad. And yet another example of how fame and fortune doesn't necessarily translate into strong character, class, or an understanding of how best to love for your own children.

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Dayyum, you're right. What a poor man...I can't believe he's openly willing to tell people these things.

And this isn't about morals, it's about his children's mental health. His inability to comprehend this is unfortunate and sad. And yet another example of how fame and fortune doesn't necessarily translate into strong character, class, or an understanding of how best to love for your own children.


I don't agree with his morals (obviously), but what he does in his own personal life is his business. I do, however, agree that this is extremely sad for his kids and any kids that consider him their hero.

I decided to read the book and after reading it all I can say is "WOW" what a complete moron. I wrote a review for that goes something like this:

What he does in his own personal life is his business I guess, but I still have to feel sorry for his kids, knowing that "daddy" is a ######. Idiot is the nicest thing you could possibly call Johnny Damon, to openly admit that you "banged" nine women while your wife was in labor is extremely ignorant and stupid. At one point I was a Boston fan, but after this, I can't bare to watch the team because he gives such as bad image to them. I would personally love to see him off the team!

"I banged 9 nurses during my wife's 36-hour labor." -Johnny Damon

And the sad thing is this guy is some child's hero. It is people like Damon who should be blamed for our teens getting pregnant at immature ages, it people like him who set the bad examples and the sad thing is, parents encourage this, they actually encourage it. How sad!

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