[NFL] Expansion teams vs Browns

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I have a question. This may be dumb, but I am itching to know.

How did the Houston Texans, who were inducted in 2001 if I'm not mistaken, get a 7-9 record in their, what, 3rd season, when the freakin' Cleveland Browns are 4-12 and the freakin' San Francisco 49ers, one of the greatest teams ever, were 2-14?! How does this happen?

...I'm getting a Domanick Davis jersey.

Edited by BOOGSoftball
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Because Cleveland's ownership doesn't know how to manage a team. And the 49ers got nailed by the salary cap. Similar to when Mariucci first arrived and had to re-build them.

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Because Cleveland's ownership doesn't know how to manage a team. And the 49ers got nailed by the salary cap. Similar to when Mariucci first arrived and had to re-build them.


Not only were the Niners recovering from salary cap hell, but ownership is one of the worst (if not THE worst) ownerships in all of sports.


I want my 49ers back :(

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Isn't cleveland an expansion team??

I mean, the old cleveland moved to baltimore.  So, the new cleveland is an expansion team right?


Yeah but a 10 year old one, if I'm not mistaken.

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Isn't cleveland an expansion team??

I mean, the old cleveland moved to baltimore.  So, the new cleveland is an expansion team right?


Yes, 1999 was their first year in the business.

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It doesn't help when your first 3 first round draft picks are busts. Another problem was switching coaches after 2 years. In their defense they did make the playoffs one year under Butch Davis.

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Also, I should point out that Cleveland had no time to prepare for their franchise. While the Jaguars and Panthers ownerships had almost 3 years to assemble a staff, offices, and scouts for drafts and free agents. The Renewed Browns were announced sometime in early 1998 and found an owner on October 24th, 1998. That means they had just about 3 months to prepre for free agents, and 6 months to prepare for their first draft. All that was so they could get the franchise up and ready to play in time for the 1999 season.

I'm not a Browns fan, and I don't know how long it could possibly take to evaluate talent but in all fairness the amount of time the Browns were given to basically start a franchise was ridiculous. Is it any wonder they stink? Maybe, but that first year probably put them into a huge hole that they are just barely looking like they are getting out of now.

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