What club will waste the most money next season?

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liverpool, inter, barcelona

i am thinking them 3 will spend the most, maybe real madrid might aswell but i have a feeling they might go for quality cheaper players this time instead of superstars. and chelsea, i think they will stick with the crop of players they have right now but maybe with 1 or 2 new players (gerrard and/or beckham) ?

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Chelsea. They have the most money to be wasted and they will (yet again) waste it. If you look down their teamsheet, do you actually see some HUGE names? They seem to buy middling-good players who have had a good last season, then they play em..realise that they aren't performing and said player is left out of a team all year. They are the power hungry, player career ruining team in the Premiership.

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Think Chelsea will be bidding for Adriano, Man Utd will try to make some desperate biddings too, Arsenal got a strong sqaud already..i?ll be just expecting some signing of new hot youngsters

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