[Soccer] Glazer Gets Majority

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Normally, aside from standings and results (and watching the one game a week I get broadcasted on my sad basic cable with Cablevision) I don't really follow EPL news too much. But this seemed newsworthy enough for a post. Based on some past threads on this topic I'm sure ManU fans will be SUPER thrilled (that was sarcasm). http://soccernet.espn.go.com/headlinenews?id=333210&cc=5901

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I put both soccer/football. Must've been edited by a mod. Just let it go. This senseless debate comes up on nearly every thread about the sport and ends up turning them into a discussion on that instead of the issue that the thread is about.

I put both soccer/football. Must've been edited by a mod. Just let it go. This senseless debate comes up on nearly every thread about the sport and ends up turning them into a discussion on that instead of the issue that the thread is about.


Sorry, I just cannot stand the ignorance of some people, it's highly annoying. I am sure Americans would be offended, if we Brits started calling your 'American Football' - "Robocop Rugby". :laugh:

Today man united tomorrow the rest of the premiership all except chelski until obramovich ****s off to F1 then he will sell everything off and cash in on everything.

he baught this club to sell its assets and make a killing he faught for the right to do this and now hes won hes gonna rip the club to small pieces and **** up the whole history of the club for any other fans of british football who think this is funny dont let your club look like its worth anything or this fat american prick might destroy your club too.

for any other fans of british football who think this is funny dont let your club look like its worth anything or this fat american prick might destroy your club too.


dont think hes guna do it to cambridge united, we got relegated to the conference this year and are in administration anyway :(

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