[NHL]New Jersey _______?

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"Devils oppose assemblyman's bid to replace symbol

What chance do the New Jersey Devils give a proposal that would give the NHL team a less demonic name?

Think hell freezing over.

"I can assure you the Devils name will never change, and I think there are more important things to be thinking about than something that will never happen," chief executive officer Lou Lamoriello said. "It's who we are and what we want to be."

State Assemblyman Craig Stanley is taking issue with a satanic symbol representing the team, which has won three Stanley Cup championships.

"This is an age where symbolism is very important," said Stanley, a Baptist deacon whose resolution to rename the team is to be introduced in the Assembly next month. A new name would be chosen in a statewide competition...""


this is absolutely ridiculous. our elected officials really need to spend their time worrying about more serious issues.

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that's the dumbest thing ive ever heard in my life. damn american politicians. i didnt think they could do any worse then bush. this proved me wrong... ok well, Bush is worse, but this is still pretty dumb. I've neevr even thought once about the devils as some sort of symbol. This isnt a very symbolic period of time. the 1800s are long over

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Politics seriously need to get out of sports... the whole steroid issue is raging out of control (in terms of congress getting involved), and now this? Shut up, politicians.

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whats NHL?

OF cource im kidding..

but i dont care if they had the name "purple lion hearts" i just want the NHL back :(

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Leave the name as it is. I'm definitely no fan of the Devils (GO HABS GO ;)), but what's the point in changing the name? It says right on the site that the "Devil" has nothing to do with the anti-Christ, so what's the big deal?

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next on the politicians list will be the tasmanian devil. geesh this guy cant find something more productive to spend taxpayer money on?? if i was one of his constiuants i'd vote him out of office for even bringing up the friggen idea.

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This is why religious people should NOT be allowed to be in office.


That was what the US Constitution was based on, but nowadays, no one cares.

Does it matter what the new name is? There may not be an NHL.

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haha, seriously. there's a religous guy in Indiana who wants to rename the I-69 freeway. cuz it says "I 69"...:rolleyes:

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lol they better not change it... i want the NHL back tho... talks been going on so long i dont even follow it nemore... i just wanna wake up one day look at the morning paper and c it over already...

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How about the New Jersey Rangers? Maybe then the Rangers will have a better chance of getting into the playoffs.

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haha, seriously.  there's a religous guy in Indiana who wants to rename the I-69 freeway.  cuz it says "I 69"...:rolleyes:


I bet after he has a 69 then he won't want to change it. :shifty:

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The New Jersey Do-Gooders (ya keep the D and this would seem appropriate for this guy). As said before, aren't there more serious issues politicians can be dealing with? The story reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where we find out Pudy's a fanatic Devils fan and gives a priest a heart-attack in the street with his devil face-paint on. This concerned politician obviously had such instance in mind when he thought of this pressing issue :whistle: .

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next on the politicians list will be the tasmanian devil.


Better go after those BSD guys too...


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How about the New Jersey Rangers?  Maybe then the Rangers will have a better chance of getting into the playoffs.


You just gotta rub salt in the wound don't you :pinch:

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haha, seriously.  there's a religous guy in Indiana who wants to rename the I-69 freeway.  cuz it says "I 69"...:rolleyes:


Are you serious?


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You just gotta rub salt in the wound don't you  :pinch:


I'm a Rangers fan as well. I know what you are going thru. At least last season they were closer.

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I'm a Rangers fan as well.  I know what you are going thru.  At least last season they were closer.


Yep they sure where. At least I still have fond memories of '94.

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