Basketball game idea for two people?

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Basketball game idea for two people?

I only have one girl(I'm a boy) as my basketball companion. We had a hard time trying to invent a basketball game idea for 2 people to play. We tried the idea of two people shooting at the same time and trying to "knock out" each other's ball. But I'm sure something much funnier is out there. Any ideas?

And, one on one is not funny at all, for us.

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one on one is not funny? lol My girl has this thing called "girl pride" and she swore I would loose to her ( I did the first time mind you :p) but now everything I just kick her arse, i'm around 6'0 and shes 5'5 at most so do the math :p so now everything she sees the bball in my hand she b*tches at me :rofl:

I'm not sure if bigbluepride35's "horse" game is the same one I now as "donkey", which consists, lets say you do a Jordan Dunk, she/he has to do the exact dunk with the same movements you did, and if she misses you add a letter starting with "D" until you complete "Donkey" obviously, kinda childish, but entertaining to a certain point ;) , you could change the word ot anything you like :) :yes:

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I'm not sure if? bigbluepride35's "horse" game is the? same one I now as "donkey", which consists, lets say you do a Jordan Dunk, she/he has to do the exact dunk with the same movements you did, and if she misses you add a letter starting with "D" until you complete "Donkey" obviously, kinda childish, but entertaining to a certain poin;);) , you could change the word ot anything you like ::yes:s:


Yup it is

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