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I'm inviting whoever wants to come play Fantasy Football (the American Football) to come join my league. It's on:

Fox Sports is offering FREE fantasy football this year with stuff like:

*Free live stats

*Free in depth draft information

*Live drafts

*much more

I need some people to play in my league. It is private and the info is:

League ID# is: 1633.

League password is: daLLas

Please only join if you are going to be serious about it and finish the whole season. Hope that you join up!

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We'll be starting our own Neowin one soon...but for cryin out loud, it's only June.


yup! I couldn't wait! The draft is not until the end of July though.. just wanted to get started early! Come join my league too! I'll join Neowin's also (is it free?).

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