US Terrorist Attacks

How worried are you about another US Terrorist Attack???  

220 members have voted

  1. 1. How worried are you about another US Terrorist Attack???

    • Highly Worried ? ? ?
    • Slightly Worried ? ? ?
    • Highly Unconcerned ? ? ?
    • Slightly Unconcerned ? ? ?
    • Unsure ? ? ?
    • Don't Care ? ? ?

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ya, in america, we tend to think everything we do is ok, when really, we are sticken our head into business it has no where near being.


:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

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dont you guys get it? terrorism is real.the hijacked planes did hit the towers,aswell as the pentagon.These conspiracy theories are pathetic,and are just basiclly fueled by hate for a certain goverment or need to stop believeing in all the sh** you hear and face the fact,people died because of terrorism.also pulling your head out of your arse wouldnt be such a bad idea too :)

back on topic,finally,i do believe it will happen again (unfortunely) both here in australia or back in the US.its unfortunate we have to live like this.


Yeah, I don't believe in the conspiracy either.

Plus there was a video of Osama Bin Laden, where he used his hands to demonstrate the hijacked planes hitting the building.

And what about the cell phone calls from people on the hijacked planes saying that middle eastern men had killed the flight attendants?

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perhaps the government took a 'hands off' approach until a strike was made against us, in order to continue to justify huge military expenditures which are now irrelevant with the end of the cold war?

do we really need to spend $800 billion to combat terrorists with a combined budget of what, $2 billion?

just throwing around ideas here

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terrorism is a poor mans way of waging war.....israel goes into palestenian settlments and kills a dozen civilains (and i dont thing anyone is naive enough to think they dont target civilians) with tanks and choppers and its called a "war on terror" a suicide bomber blows himself up and kills a few civilains its called "terrorism"....same thing in iraq...... why is it considered OK when tanks and bombs are used and its not ok when suicide bombing is the weapon of choice ?? think about it...

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perhaps the government took a 'hands off' approach until a strike was made against us, in order to continue to justify huge military expenditures which are now irrelevant with the end of the cold war?

do we really need to spend $800 billion to combat terrorists with a combined budget of what, $2 billion?

just throwing around ideas here


good point

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Please seek some help for your absolute hatred, and close minded attitudes.


Now that's the pot calling the kettle black. I wonder how large a crowbar it would take to pry open your mind...?

And at this point in time, it is still a theory that al-Qaida was behing the London bombings.

For all of you who are convinced that Islamo-terorists are behind it--before the facts are in--now I ask you, "who or what is in control of your minds?"

Edited by odious malefactor
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u know...i started this poll...and i live in the triad in NC....i know that probably i won't have to worry about a terrorist attack...but...i look at what it does to the economy, people's thinkin, and they way of life....and u know it bother's me that people aren't worried more than what they are...the majority of people 'don't care'...and that really surprises me...

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im not worried 1 bit. the last "terrorist" attack that happend on 9/11 was such a huge coverup to get this war going. the next attack will happen when we start to decide this war is bs, then "they" will do something to change everyones minds.

i would like to know, what made the 3rd buildling near the 2 towers fall. nothing hit the 3rd buildling that fell... and amazingly enough, the 2 twin towers, fell as if a professional demo crew had wanted them to fall.... i would think 2 huge jet liners in the top would cuase them to sorta fall more to 1 side than just straight down....

please people, do more research on 9/11 and the terrorist you hate. sure, the terrorist we are fighting are bad, but there are some we havnt even bothered to look for, and they are sitting in our government...


i havent heard of this theory before, and tbh i think its all bs now o thought it through, terrorist are to blame not the government, i know what your saying btu i dont believe it.

and yes im scared, im from dewsburym, where one of the terrorist was who blew himself up in London and i saw alot of police vans today rushing up thornhill, near where im working atm (work experience) :(

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how many ppl have read 1984???

if you havnt, read it. seriously, u will see light on things that is actually happening.

ya, any attack anywhere know, and our government has you instantly thinking, osama.

it doesnt really matter though what you think, cuase in acouple of years, you will see it for yourself. but then, it will be to late..

ooo ya, why do our hystory school books keep getting revised for kids in middle school and highschool? history shouldnt need revision....

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I suppose many people have voted Don't Care as they know it will happen again and they don't live in the US.

Im sorry but i don't care as im in Britain, not the US. Just don't get Don't Care mixed up with not caring after it has happened. I mean when the next terrorist attack happens sure i'll feel sorry for victims+families but then we have to remember that life goes on.

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9/11 was set up






To some extent I believe it was. Best case scenario it was milked to scare the population into doing what Bush says.

The terrorist already have one. So many of you americans have changed your way of living because of them. Clinton handled it best when he took action but didnt acknoledge them. They dont get their message out. No one looks like a hero or martyr. Nothing is propagated.

It is a shame Britain got dragged into a war that should never have been. Looks like the UN was right.

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terrorism is a poor mans way of waging war.....israel goes into palestenian settlments and kills a dozen civilains (and i dont thing anyone is naive enough to think they dont target civilians)  with tanks and choppers and its called a "war on terror" a suicide bomber blows himself up and kills a few civilains its called "terrorism"....same thing in iraq...... why is it considered OK when tanks and bombs are used and its not ok when suicide bombing is the weapon of choice ?? think about it...


I cant help but feel you may have at least a slight bias.

Didn't the whole feud start with Jacob tricking Esau... (please dont respond if your going to say something dumb about how the bible was written by a bunch of guys in the desert, its frustrating to see so many people ignorant to the historical accuracy of the bible, if you dont want to believe in God fine, but there is irrefutable evidence of its histroical accuracy)

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lol yeah, a bunch of people in the desert when it was hot, and they were delusional, hence where most of the earths popular religion comes from.

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