Danny Way Jumps Great Wall

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I thought this was sports news worthy. Seems pretty nuts. That's so friggin awesome. If anyone finds a clip please share.

LOS ANGELES -- Daredevil skateboarder Danny Way rolled down a massive ramp at nearly 50 mph and jumped across the Great Wall of China on Saturday, becoming the first person to clear the wall without motorized aid, an event sponsor said.

Way botched the landing on his first attempt but then successfully completed the jump across the 61-foot gap four times, adding 360 degree spins on his last three tries, sponsor Quiksilver, Inc. said. . . .

A crowd of several thousand people, including China's ministers of extreme sports and culture, gathered at the Ju Yong Guan Gate about a 40-minute drive from Beijing, Quiksilver's greater China marketing director Ryan Hollis said. . . .

Way's made the jump on an adaptation of the so-called mega ramp, a gigantic structure that he helped create near his home in the Southern California desert. He set a skateboard jump world record for distance (79 feet) on a mega ramp at last summer's X Games, and in 2003 set the height record of 23? feet at the desert ramp.

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Danny Way has been like a god in the game for aslong as i can remember now was so good to see some news on the guy hes a true inspiration cheers for the link.

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China's ministers of extreme sports and culture

They have ministers of extreme sports and culture? thats something i would never expect anywhere not just China. sounds cool

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Danny Way is almost too good. I need to see a clip of this. I havent clicked the link yet but I will. And probably find the videos siitting right there.

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Just saw the video clips. Coming down from the vert portion of the ramp looked PAINful lol. I'm sure the adrenaline from landing the jump helped to dull the pain though.

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They have ministers of extreme sports and culture? thats something i would never expect anywhere not just China. sounds cool


lol, thats the first thing i thought too.

and danny way is awesome...big ramp was the best part of the summer x games.

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They have ministers of extreme sports and culture? thats something i would never expect anywhere not just China. sounds cool


that is what i though. :huh: minister of culture is oblious one, but minister of extreme sports? :cool: nice !

btw, it is for real

There are several plans afoot to take skateboarding to the next level in China.The first step was the creation of the Ministry of Extreme Sports. This is not a joke. The Chinese government wanted a department to oversee the development of skateboarding, rollerblading, BMX biking, and other events featured at the XGames and the Gravity Games. Wei Xing, the Minister of Extreme Sports, told ?the LA Times?, ?We are responsible for holding the events, training the athletes, the referees, the judge. And for overseas teams to come into China, they need to get approval from this association.?

good for them. though i wonder is getting approval is the only real aim of this position. they supervise EVERYTHING

Edited by panacea
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